I just can't understand C++

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20 comments, last by Spaz Aholic 17 years, 9 months ago
I'm aspiring to go to UNT and be in thier game design program but for some reason I try my hardest to learn C++ but it just doesn't seem to stick and my motivation for learning drops. Is there anyway that I can learn C++ without making it hard on my brain to comprehend on what my eyes are looking at? I've looked into a few C++ websites but they just don't seem to be helping me. as of now i'm still stuck on "Hello World". Should i be memorizing what I see or understanding what should be happening? Roger 17
No need to memorize everything, as you can search help files for specific functions to use.

You MUST understand what is going on though.

Have you tried doing very simple text base adventure games?

Are there any specifics of C++ that you don't understand that we could help you with?


I want to know the basics. I'm not really specific since i really haven't been able to learn anything yet. I haven't even set my foot in the water.how could i make something like a tetris clone or a text-based adventure?
Do you know any other languages? Many (probably most) concepts that you learn in one language will carry over to any other, and it makes learning a second or third language much easier. C++ is one of the harder languages to learn as a first language, so perhaps you should try another one. Python is recommended often for this role, and Java or C# probably wouldn't be bad choices either.
"We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only, and not for things themselves." - John Locke
Well, for a text adventure game, when you'll have read enough about the language you should be able to come up with the structure by yourself. Its ok if its not perfect, as you'll find out with more practice how to solve problems more efficiently.

As for tetris, there's this post that might help.
Even Visual Basic is good to learn (that's how I started)... and its pretty similar to C# so from VB you'll be able to switch easily to C#, then to C++ if you ever need to.
Do you know where I can find a guide on Visual Basic?

Is it the same as Blitz Basic? because i remember have a book on that.
I've self-taught myself by looking at MILLIONS of tutorials and Websites, some books but i need too. Even today its hard for me to figure something out, but i eventually do, and these forums are a huge help. Just stick in there and keep throwing the ball until you make a basket, keep doing it and you'll eventually get better. What i did, and still do is download somebody elses program and play with the variables and add things the way they did, you know, just play around with everything and see what happens, i actually think thats the best way to learn, coz you can always look at something they've coded and compare it to some other code and see what the difference is, and yet being able to understand how it works. It can get very frustrating at times, but i cant say that there was one time that i got stuck and never found it out. I always find crap out when i stick on it and look for answers.

After looking at something for so long, you automatically memorize it, well i should say that for the most part you will. Repetition will help you so dont give up and keep looking and asking questions. I promise you'll get it....
My suggestion is simply to sit down, look at a book (get one from the library is good if you can't afford to buy one), learn some of the very basics, go on your computer, go over it a couple times (like actualy programming the examples and such), and them move on. Go back to what you know sometimes to refresh your memory. It takes times. To get proficient with a languge it sometimes takes a year to two years.

Another good suggestion is to start with a simpeler languge (such as Java and C#), but I've seen others have already mentioned that.
Gamedev is also currently in the throws of its own c++ workshop, which is a great resource for beginning c++.

Check out the forum here.

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