Midlet runs slowly on Nokia 6600

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3 comments, last by GameDev.net 17 years, 10 months ago
I load a lot of pictures in memory and the applications runs slowly for some time but then runs ok. I thought that some pictures are being loaded in background, waited 30 seconds but nothing. When I walk through the level when I "see" the new objects the first time, my mobile phone begin to get slow. I decided to paint all the pictures on a screen at first "drawing" but it didn't help. On Motorola and Siemens everything is OK.
Nobody knows?
Hi Anton,

Are you using sprites, or large image files?

I had the same problem when I was trying to draw sprites with large images. When I was switching the sprites, the animation starts to lag. My solution was code my own Sprite class with an array of small Image frames.


I use 10 images (createImage) of nearly 100x100.
I have seen issues like this on the 6630. In our case it was the JIT compiler's fault. Check that the new methods that get called or sections of code, that are executed when you enter the new state that triggers the new images, are short enough for the JIT to do in one hit. Otherwise the app will stagger for a short while as the code is being compiled in chunks at a time. I'm not sure how Nokia implemented their JIT, but my guess is there is an LRU lookup table that keeps track of segments of compiled code. I think the trick is to make sure your logic fit in the table as much as possible.

Just my two cents.


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