Getting started with C++ Game Development

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16 comments, last by sahanx 17 years, 10 months ago
Hi, I was wondering, what do I need to make games with C++? I have Borland C++ Builder 6.0 and Bloodshed Dev-C++. I would like to know: 1.What I need to make games 2.Links to tutorials/ articles for using the tools I need to make games I already know C++
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Ok - so I need the DirectX SDK to make games?

And can I use the DirectX SDK with Borland C++ Builder 6.0?
Hi, nice to meet U...

Of course U can... U just need to link the library and header file into the borland then U can compile your program...
Ok I'm very confused. When I start a new Windows Application in Borland C++ Builder 6.0, I get a blank form with the following code:
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#include <vcl.h>#pragma hdrstop#include "Unit1.h"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#pragma package(smart_init)#pragma resource "*.dfm"TForm1 *Form1;//---------------------------------------------------------------------------__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)        : TForm(Owner){}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Now what do I do?

(sorry this is very confiusing since I have only ever made command line apps in C++ before)
If that is the case, I think should go for a "Win32 tutorial" first. Because it is really hard to explain here. At least U must know how to create a blank Window and have some understanding on the message loop.

Sorry about that I didn mention earlier, I am fans of Microsoft. But I do did some work on Borland but with very little knowledge about Borland.

For that piece of code, that is a dialog when U compile it. U can customise the "TForm1 *Form1;" to other name. Eg. TForm1 *My_Form;...
I would highly recomend that you check out Microsoft Visual C++ Express Edition. It is an IDE and compiler like Dev-C++ and Borland, but it is much better, at least in my opinion and numerous others.

If you want complete easy of use for getting started, check out SDL. SDL handles the creation of windows, 2D graphics, keyboard/mouse/joystick input, CDs, audio, and more. I would recomend this over the Win32 API for a beginner. It would be a great way to at least get started making games, then once you have the hang of it, moving over to Win32 shouldn't be tough.
ok. how much win32 do I have to learn before I can try games?

Also: another question: Before I installed Borland C++ Builder, I tried MS Visual C++ Express Edition, but my code didn't work!(even in command line). when i opened a default app it outputed to the screen using "Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World")" which I have never heard of! so if your a microsoft fan do u know why my code isnt working?
Quote:Original post by sahanx
ok. how much win32 do I have to learn before I can try games?

Also: another question: Before I installed Borland C++ Builder, I tried MS Visual C++ Express Edition, but my code didn't work!(even in command line). when i opened a default app it outputed to the screen using "Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World")" which I have never heard of! so if your a microsoft fan do u know why my code isnt working?

You need the Platform SDK for Win32 apps. I'm guessing you created a .NET project.
Best regards, Omid
Quote:Original post by Omid Ghavami
Quote:Original post by sahanx
ok. how much win32 do I have to learn before I can try games?

Also: another question: Before I installed Borland C++ Builder, I tried MS Visual C++ Express Edition, but my code didn't work!(even in command line). when i opened a default app it outputed to the screen using "Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World")" which I have never heard of! so if your a microsoft fan do u know why my code isnt working?

You need the Platform SDK for Win32 apps. I'm guessing you created a .NET project.

No, it was a Win32 project. I installed the SDK, but I think I might have configured VC++ incorrectly. I will try VC++ again.

[Edited by - sahanx on July 7, 2006 5:01:47 AM]

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