Problem with my Lost Device handling method (C++)

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1 comment, last by dist0rted 17 years, 9 months ago
My code doesn't really work at all. I create a full screen application, ALT+TAB out of it, Restore it from the Start Menu, and I get the plain white Win32 Window I created (without Direct3D initiated - which sets the screen black) Alrighty, this code is what I put in my main loop: (After I handle Window input, and before I render anything)

// Handle Lost Device:
hResult = m_pd3dDevice->TestCooperativeLevel();
if (FAILED(hResult))
	// Check if Device is Lost:
	if (hResult = D3DERR_DEVICELOST)
		Sleep(100); // Rest the Program for a Bit
		InvalidateDeviceOjbects(); // Shutdown User Defined data in this function
		if (m_pd3dDevice->TestCooperativeLevel() == D3DERR_DEVICELOST)
			Sleep(100); // Device is still lost
			RestoreDeviceObjects(); // Re-Init User Data in this Function

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Doesn't look like your reseting the device first, is the m_pd3dDevice->Reset call inside RestoreDeviceObjects()?

Also (hResult = D3DERR_DEVICELOST) is the one = a typo? shouldn't really effect outcome though as it would just execute the else part of the if-else.

Heres the reset code from a project of mine

The m_pCurrentpresentParameters is saved in the class from when D3D is initialized

else if( hr == D3DERR_DEVICENOTRESET ){        // release all d3dpool_default members before reset	OnDeviceLost();	hr = m_pDevice->Reset(&m_pCurrentpresentParameters);	if( hr == D3D_OK )	{		m_bDeviceLost = false;		// recreate all d3dpool_default members		OnDeviceReset();	}}
Nope, let's try that...

Sweet, it works - sorry for my lazy code! Thanks though.
=============================All knowledge is good; only the way it is put to use is good or evil.

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