adult swim, what have you done!

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57 comments, last by Daerax 17 years, 9 months ago
Quote:Original post by ApochPiQ
I'm another disgruntled ex-Swim viewer. I've randomly turned it on a few times in the past couple of weeks, and without fail either been confronted with crap I don't want to watch (please kill TGTM already) or reruns of stuff that was funny the first 200 times but has long since ceased to be novel or entertaining (Futurama). I think I managed to find one Venture Brothers episode, which kind of redeemed part of it, but not really.

I dunno... maybe we should go storm the gates and demand better shows. There's always the website, of course, but I live in Atlanta... anyone up for a road trip? We could do it old-school with the burning oil and Viking helmetry.

Um, aren't the Williams Street Studios there in Atlanta? It would be a road trip for those of us that don't live there, but not for you. I think you ought to check out their studios and see what you find. They might even give you some shwag or something.
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man
Quote:Original post by Salsa
So, isn't there a show called Bleach coming to Adult Swim this fall?

[rolleyes] [flaming] I've never seen it, but I can already tell it's going to be awful. I think we have every single crappy-anime-show stereotype there is going on in that one image, right down to the annoying girl and her pet cat.

Seriously, is there no originality left in the world? The last thing this world needs is another Inuyasha (quite possibly the worst show ever created.. closely followed by Trigun).

There are only 11 new episodes of Inuyasha left. Then it will be reruns over and over and over...

I thought Paranoid Agent was pretty good. Eureka 7 has had some good moments (but it's also had some bad ones too).
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man
Quote:Original post by Salsa
Quote:Original post by AnonymousPosterChild
Really? From one image?

Is there not a school girl in the photo?

She's got giant hooters.

"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man
Quote:Original post by trzy
Adult Swim started going downhill after the first 2 seasons of each of the original shows (Sealab, Aqua Teen, Birdman, etc.) and when they got rid of the pool theme in favor of the text on a black background that tries so desperately hard to be funny but always fails.

Ideally, Adult Swim should rid itself of anime altogether and focus on humor. Anime should be relegated to Toonami, like it used to be, which would free up a lot of time slots for some of the good shows which are all too often out of rotation, namely Home Movies. I don't mind the occasional oddball show like Peewee Herman and Saved by the Bell. Peewee Herman isn't my cup of tea but I can definitely see why it appeals to some. Saved by the Bell on the other hand is simply classic and I'm strongly in favor of it being shown occasionally on Adult Swim.

I would stop watching AS completely if it rid itself of anime. If I want nothing but stupid humor, I'll start watching sit com reruns on TV Land or what have you.

That said, I thought Home Movies was pretty good. I liked the squiggle vision in the first season and think they should have stuck with it.
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man
Quote:Original post by LessBread
Um, aren't the Williams Street Studios there in Atlanta? It would be a road trip for those of us that don't live there, but not for you. I think you ought to check out their studios and see what you find. They might even give you some shwag or something.

Yeah... my point was to see if anyone else wanted to road-trip on over here and join me in my crusade to burn down Williams Street unless they bring back some good shows.

But, I guess if nobody's up for it, I'll just have to deal with all the shwag and glory myself. It's a rough job, but I'm willing to do it for the greater good of Swim fans across the globe.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

Quote:Original post by ApochPiQ
Quote:Original post by LessBread
Um, aren't the Williams Street Studios there in Atlanta? It would be a road trip for those of us that don't live there, but not for you. I think you ought to check out their studios and see what you find. They might even give you some shwag or something.

Yeah... my point was to see if anyone else wanted to road-trip on over here and join me in my crusade to burn down Williams Street unless they bring back some good shows.

But, I guess if nobody's up for it, I'll just have to deal with all the shwag and glory myself. It's a rough job, but I'm willing to do it for the greater good of Swim fans across the globe.

Driving to Atlanta would be quite a road trip for me. And given the temperatures throughout the Southwest, it would be utter hell driving through Arizona, New Mexico etc. to get there. [grin]
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man
Pee Wee Herman's show is perhaps the worst thing to ever happen to any television network, ever. IMNSHO. It's awful. It makes me want to cry, bleed, and vomit all at once, and I don't even understand why. It makes my head hurt when I so little as flip past it on the TV. It's hideously, horrendously awful. [sad]

Toonami and Miguzi rock, by the way.

And, honestly, I like most of what Cartoon Network shows.
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Quote:Original post by ApochPiQ
Quote:Original post by LessBread
Um, aren't the Williams Street Studios there in Atlanta? It would be a road trip for those of us that don't live there, but not for you. I think you ought to check out their studios and see what you find. They might even give you some shwag or something.

Yeah... my point was to see if anyone else wanted to road-trip on over here and join me in my crusade to burn down Williams Street unless they bring back some good shows.

But, I guess if nobody's up for it, I'll just have to deal with all the shwag and glory myself. It's a rough job, but I'm willing to do it for the greater good of Swim fans across the globe.

Swag, even.

Although I'm sure if you asked them for schwag, they'd have some...
____________Numbermind StudiosCurrently in hibernation.
Quote:Original post by JBourrie
I really couldn't care less for anime, when Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, and Inuyasha came on that was my cue to change the channel.

I like Cowboy Bebop.
"I want to make a simple MMORPG first" - Fenryl
Quote:Original post by I Like Bread
Swag, even. Although I'm sure if you asked them for schwag, they'd have some...

I think they'd have better than schwag... [grin]
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man

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