What do you think of the D language?

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92 comments, last by daerid 17 years, 7 months ago
It is an exciting language for me. It is a system level programming with garbage collection and many other features. Is there anyone using it for game programming? I can’t keep myself from try it! It’s just what I need. If you had never heard about D, please take a look at: http://www.digitalmars.com/d/index.html
I've been using it for awhile now and so far I like it. Even though the current standard library is a bit rough it is still more than usable for games. Here is a game I wrote for a school project using D:

And I have several other simple examples on my website:

If you want to do anything game related, I highly recommend you check out the Derelict bindings:
It's ok, but IMO .NET is better. And yes, I've tinkered enough with D to know.
ah, this month's D thread... let the language wars begin!
Quote:Original post by smr
It's ok, but IMO .NET is better. And yes, I've tinkered enough with D to know.

For the uneducated how so? And are you comparing D to the whole .NET framework or just say C#?

For the record, I'm uneducated so I come here to learn [smile]

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


It seems to be a pretty nice language so far, I imagine after it has matured a bit (what's it at, 0.69?) it'll be a very good language. Also, a decent IDE would be likely to increase its popularity a lot (sure you can use C::B, but it takes too much effort to set up)
i don't think much of it... err... rather not at all. i've had one primary programming language, C/C++, for the last 14 years (I started using C++ before any compiler even had templates!), and am now learning C# (the .NET 2.0 FCL is much better than the 1.X versions so I think it's finally a good time to learn C# now and so far I'm enjoying it).

when it comes to learning new languages the first things i worry about are... "is it going to get me a job?", "is it going to keep me employed?", and "will i still be using it 10 years from now?" i don't think D satisfies any of those so not yet, but maybe in the future?

I never used it and since I have another couple of languages to learn before D, then I wont use it soon, but the features list is pretty nice and some of them are those I would expect to see in the C++, if only they updated it.
Quote:Original post by amnesiasoft
It seems to be a pretty nice language so far, I imagine after it has matured a bit (what's it at, 0.69?) it'll be a very good language. Also, a decent IDE would be likely to increase its popularity a lot (sure you can use C::B, but it takes too much effort to set up)

There is an eclipse plugin called DDT at this site:

However it was not updated for 5 months. Maybe the programmer there needs some help ?
It's got a lot of features I'd expect in an improved C++ but, for reasons passing understanding, they've also removed some features:

  • The = operator can no longer be overloaded - so correct reference counting can't be implemented. They argue that it's unnecessary in a garbage collected language, however, they've overlooked the fact that it's sometimes necessary to manage resources other than memory - in paticular sometimes you need resources to be destoyed when they're finished with, not at some non-deterministic point after they're finished with)

  • They've removed const. The argue that it 'adds nothing' seeing as it can be circumvented via const_cast.I notice the language still uses static typing thoughm even though it 'adds nothing' due to reinterpret_cast

C++ serves me very well as a statically types compiled language - I'd be happy to upgrade to something better in every respect, but I can't be bothered with a 2 steps forward, 1 step back approach.

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