Memory Leaks

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5 comments, last by hplus0603 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi It seems my engine has a few memory leaks (15 to be precise) I have created an app with nothing going on other then creating a window and DirectX device then rendering nothing until the end. When I exit i get 15 DirectX warnings and a message box from ntdll.dll saying there has been some memory leaks. Okay so now ive installed purify and ive got the report back saying where the leaks are coming from. The problem is that i dont realy get which bit of my code evokes the problems if at all. Kernal32.dll and User32.dll are beyond my knowledge. Heres the report does anyone know how i can gleam some useful informiation from this?

 Summary of all memory leaks... {2768 bytes, 8 blocks}
     MPK: Potential memory leak of 1964 bytes from 1 block allocated in GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [USER32.dll]
            Offset 0x0000068c referenced by 0x00742743, a location in a section in the executable
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                  1964 bytes from 1 block of 1964 bytes (0x0015b1e0)
            Allocation location
                LocalAlloc     [C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll]
                GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll]
    [W] MLK: Memory leak of 488 bytes from 5 blocks allocated in GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [USER32.dll]
            Distribution of leaked blocks
                   352 bytes from 1 block of 352 bytes (0x001531b0)
                   100 bytes from 1 block of 100 bytes (0x001576f8)
                    28 bytes from 1 block of 28 bytes (0x00157be0)
                     8 bytes from 2 blocks of 4 bytes (first block: 0x00153330)
            Allocation location
                LocalAlloc     [C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll]
                GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll]
     MPK: Potential memory leak of 264 bytes from 1 block allocated in RegEnumKeyA [ADVAPI32.dll]
            Offset 0x00000008 referenced by 0x0019dc00, a location in a HeapAlloc'd block
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                   264 bytes from 1 block of 264 bytes (0x0019c4c8)
            Allocation location
                HeapAlloc      [C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll]
                RegEnumKeyA    [C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll]
    [W] MLK: Memory leak of 52 bytes from 1 block allocated in GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [USER32.dll]
            Distribution of leaked blocks
                    52 bytes from 1 block of 52 bytes (0x001588f0)
            Allocation location
                HeapAlloc      [C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll]
                GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll]
 Exiting with code 0 (0x00000000)
        Process time: 10906 milliseconds
 Program terminated at 10/02/2006 15:57:10
This really depends on how you've written the code. If you've used global objects, then there's a good chance the memory leak detection has kicked in before global destructors have been called, thus reporting spurious leaks. Without any code to go with the output you've provided, there's not much else to say.

Use the CRT debugging functions to track them down. _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks will dump the leaks at the end with allocation numbers and then there's a function like _CrtBreakOnAlloc(num) (may be slightly different name) where you can programmatically set a breakpoint when that leak is allocated.

Edit: Actually that doesn't sound like C++ you are using. What language/compiler are you using?
its C++ visual studio 2003, i'll look at _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks
Okay heres the debug output:

'VisualVector_PC.exe': Loaded 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\mslbui.dll', Symbols loaded.
Detected memory leaks!
Dumping objects ->
{128} normal block at 0x00C27730, 312 bytes long.
Data: <$ o D; ; > 24 9E 6F 00 00 00 FA 44 3B CD 13 BF 3B CD 13 BF
{127} normal block at 0x00C27470, 644 bytes long.
Data: < o > E0 9C 6F 00 CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD
{87} normal block at 0x00C22F38, 260 bytes long.
Data: <c:\Documents and> 63 3A 5C 44 6F 63 75 6D 65 6E 74 73 20 61 6E 64
Object dump complete.
Unhandled exception at 0x7c901230 (ntdll.dll) in VisualVector_PC.exe: User breakpoint.

the data in the last one looks like a string containing a file name maybe?

theres just one left and its that last one

"Data: <c:\Documents and> 63 3A 5C 44 6F 63 75 6D 65 6E 74 73 20 61 6E 64 "

I know this is a std::string i use called mediaPath. Just to make sure, ive got the string as an actual instance (not a pointer) and im deleting it using string.erase(); is that right? or do i have to use delete? Also a more DirectX specific question - When i use D3DXMATRIX and D3DXVECTOR3 instances (rather then pointers) how do I delete them?

You don't need to delete the string at all, if it's an object member or a local (stack) variable. Same thing for vectors and matrices -- if they are locals, or object members, they will be deleted when they go out of scope or their owning object is deleted.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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