XNA + C# Learning Curve?

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3 comments, last by Animeblood 17 years, 7 months ago
Hello there, I've been a member of these forums for over a year now, yet I've never been very active. However, with Microsoft's release of the XNA Express SDK for C#, my team and I have been very interested in developing a game with it, possible for Xbox Live Arcade. However, my programmer is curious about the learning curve of C#, he is skilled in Java, VisualBASIC and C++, so he knows how to program already. I myself am more of an ideas man, and a game designer rather than programmer, so I wouldn't really know myself, I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight to this. Thanks, Cian
From what I have seen (mind you, which isn't much), it looks really quite easy.

(Sorry for the direct link to a file - I don't have the other link handy).
If he is skilled in C++ and Java then he will pick up C# with ease. The language is very intuitive and the documentation out there is fantastic.

DirectX has a slightly steeper learning curve though, but you probably won't find a nicer way of getting to grips with a 3D API like DirectX than through XNA (and even moreso when it is a finished product with the content pipeline and no longer a beta).

These are my opinions of course and they may not hold true to yourself or your programming friend, but I'd say XNA is definitely worth a try [smile]

Richard 'ViLiO' Thomasv.net | Twitter | YouTube
In my opinion it is very easy to work with. Before XNA I had never messed with C# or a 3d API, and after I am having no major issues.
------------------This is so stupid!
Thanks for the quick replies, I'm very glad to hear this. I will forward the information to him and we will begin development of the game once he's adapated to the language. Expect to see some form of a W.i.P in the coming months.

- Cian

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