Maybe Depth Buffer Question? (2 Pictures)

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1 comment, last by s3mt3x 17 years, 6 months ago
the cat is standing on the ground,and I highlight the triangle(white) that the cat standing picture 1 shown. Picture 1 looks right,and then I turn the camera higher,now the white triangle seems higher than the cat,as picture2 shown. I have turned on the DepthCheck,but the question is still there. and the NearClipPlane is 3.0,Far is 1000 can you help me??what caused this? Picture 1: TRUE Picture 2: FALSE [Edited by - emmai on October 20, 2006 12:45:03 AM]
Probably your near clip plane is something like 0.00001 right? Make it bigger.
How large is your model? Try scaling it down and see if you get the same results.

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