[web] Dynamic Map Help

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5 comments, last by PHPCoder 17 years, 6 months ago
I'm trying to display a small 9 x 9 map here. The script sends a query, grabs any rows that are 4 + / - of the user's x and y coordinates. It then displays a map, and uses the coordinates to accurately place the users found onto the map. Here's the need-to-know part of my database table setup: kow_user_tbl ------------------------ intX, intY, username, gold, level, race, fortification_type There is only one row inside this table for testing purposes: intX = 1, intY = 1, username = Admin, gold = 4000, level= 1, race = Human, fortification_type = woodenencampment Here is a slightly edited version of the script (read the comments to understand the script, it is heavily commented):
Quote: <?php //For testing purposes $username = 'Admin'; $conn = mysql_connect ("localhost", "dbuser", "dbpassword"); mysql_select_db("kow_user_tbl"); //SQL, Query, and Array to get the script started... $sql = "SELECT * FROM kow_user_tbl WHERE username = '$username'"; $query = mysql_query($sql); $begin_array = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); $mid_x = $begin_array['intX']; //Admin's X Coordinate $mid_x = $begin_array['intY']; //Admin's Y Coordinate $min_x = $mid_x - 4; //Minimum x Coordinate $max_x = $mid_x + 4; //Maximum X Coordinate $min_y = $mid_y - 4; //Minimum Y Coordinate $max_y = $mid_y + 4; //Maximum Y Coordinate /* Selects all users from kow_user_tbl that are within Admin's x coordinate (4 above or 4 below) and Admin's y coordinate (4 above or 4 below) */ $query2 = mysql_query("SELECT intX, intY, username, gold, level, race, fortification_type FROM kow_user_tbl WHERE intX >= $min_x AND intX <= $max_x AND intY >= $min_y AND intY <= $max_y"); //Blank array to store the players grabbed by query $players = array(); //for the while loop $i = 1; /* Sort all the players grabbed by query2 into the array 'players' by listing the information from the mysql_fetch_array'd query2 */ while (list ($intX, $intY, $user, $gold, $level, $race, $fortification_type) = mysql_fetch_array($query2)) { $players[$i]['x'] = $intX; //X Coordinate $players[$i]['y'] = $intY; //Y Coordinate $players[$i]['username'] = $user; //Username $players[$i]['gold'] = $gold; //Gold $players[$i]['level'] = $level; //Level $players[$i]['race'] = $race; //Race $players[$i]['fortification_type'] = $fortification_type; //Fortification //Increment i to continue player info in array $i++; } /* Every user has 1 of these (5 in total) fortifications. Depending on which fortification the user has, a specific tile is displayed. This function takes the fortification of the user, selects a tile, and displays it with an anchor around it so that it can be clicked for further use. */ function display_tile($user) { $tile_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM kow_user_tbl WHERE username = '$user'"); $tile_array = mysql_fetch_assoc($tile_query); $tile_fortification = $tile_array[fortification_type]; switch ($tile_fortification) { //Wooden Encampment case 'woodenencampment': $img_src = 'tiles/woodenencampment.png'; break; //Moat case 'moat': $img_src = 'tiles/moat.png'; break; //Fortress case 'fortress': $img_src = 'tiles/fort.png'; break; //Castle case 'castle': $img_src = 'tiles/castle.png'; break; //Palace case 'castle': $img_src = 'tiles/palace.png'; break; } echo "<a" . "\n"; echo "href='setattack.php?user=$user'" . "\n"; echo "><img" . "\n"; echo "src='$img_src'" . "\n"; echo ">
"; } /* This series of loops displays the map. It initially sets y as the minimum a y coordinate can be (Admin's y coordinate minus 4). Y can be as high as the maximum y coordinate (Admin's y coordinate plus 4). Then another for loop is set for x. $pop is set to 0. If it remains 0 by the time it gets to the end of the second for loop, a default image is output (tiles/grass.png), which is the grass tile. As you can see, there is an if statement inside a third for loop. The third for loop is just there to increment $a so that it cycles through the players array. The if statement is there to check whether the current player's (the current players is chosen by $a) x and y coordinates match with the current $x coordinate and $y coordinate. If it does, it initiates the display_tile function so that it can properly choose the correct tile, and then display it. It then sets $pop to 1 so that it can break out of the second if statement. */ for ($y = $min_y; $y <= $max_y; $y++) { for ($x = $min_x; $x <= $max_x; $x++) { $pop = 0; for ( $a = 0; $a < count ( $players ); $a++ ) { if ( $players[$a]['x'] == $x && $players[$a]['y'] == $y ) { $user = $players[$i]['username']; display_tile($user); $pop = 1; } } if ( $pop == 0 ) { echo "<img" . "\n"; echo "src='tiles/grass.png'" . "\n"; echo "/>"; } $pop = 0; } echo "<br />" . "\n"; } ?> The problem is, is that I don't think the selected rows are being properly stored into the array. When I test it on my server, something goes through the first if statement in the series of for loops while x and y are at 0, and a is at 0. This means that $players[0]['x'] and $players[0]['y'] were equal to 0. But the while loop that I made to store the players into the array uses $i, and $i is originally sets to 1, and from then on only increments, so it is impossible (from what i know...) for $players[0] to exist, since the minimum is $players[1]. On top of that, the only row inside the database has its coordinates at 1, 1. Does anyone see the problem?
for ( $a = 0; $a < count( $players ); $a++ )

should be

for ( $a = 1; $a <= count( $players ); $a++ )

<hr />
Sander Marechal<small>[Lone Wolves][Hearts for GNOME][E-mail][Forum FAQ]</small>

I changed it to that, and the numbers matched correctly.

But for some reason the function is still returning this HTML code:


The problem is in the a href (user isn't filled in) and in the img src (the source URL isn't filled in), which is probably being caused by the value of $user, since when I try to output $user it doesn't output anything.

[Edited by - PHPCoder on October 20, 2006 4:04:08 PM]
kind of offtopic: how far are you with this game?
i have tried something like this once with php and sql, i wrote it badly in the begining [just for testing, no tables, no aspect, just text] and it eventually went a bit far, and i quit.

may i see a how far you are? (i.e - may i have a test account [smile] ?)

Try doing a print_r or var_dump on the $players array. That'll allow you to see exactly what data is in the array and make sure everything is working as you expect.
I tried print_r.

Here's the output (with some line breaks)

Array (
[1] => Array (
[x] => 1
[y] => 1
[username] => Admin
[gold] => 4500
[level] => 1
[race] => Human
[fortification_type] => woodenencampment

Everything looks good.

And the game is nearly done, this is the second to last thing I need to finish. I'll PM you a link to the game once it is finished. :)
I woke up this morning, and not a second later than when I woke up the answer to the problem suddenly came to me, and I wasn't even thinking about the code at the time, lol.

It's a silly mistake

Change $user = $players[$i]['username']; to $user = $players[$a]['username'];

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