Converting C++ DLL Header to C#

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1 comment, last by aviosity 17 years, 2 months ago
Hey all, I have another post in the Alternative Game Libraries forum here, but as I thought this was a separate subject (I'm attempting to actually do this myself rather than looking for an already existing wrapper), I could use some serious hints in programming this. I'm attempting to implement a C# wrapper DLL for the FMOD Designer API/Event System. Essentially, FMOD provides a DLL called fmod_event.dll to use in programs, but unlike the fmod.dll system, only provides a C++ wrapper for the Designer API. I've already got the FMOD Ex distribution itself up and running with the C# headers they provided with no problem. I used to program in C# awhile back (a few years), but never attempted to load a DLL, let alone one in an unmanaged language like C++. I don't even know the first place to start in converting this C++ header to C#. Here's a class from the C++ header. I think F_API is declared as __declspec(dllexport) F_STDCALL in the files. This file portion is distributed with FMOD Ex under FMOD/fmoddesignerapi/api/inc/fmod_event.h:

typedef FMOD_RESULT (F_CALLBACK *EVENT_CALLBACK)  (Event *event, EVENT_CALLBACKTYPE type, void *param1, void *param2, void *userdata);

        FMOD EventSystem API

    FMOD_RESULT F_API EventSystem_Create(EventSystem **eventsystem);

    class EventSystem
        public :

        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API init               (int maxchannels, FMOD_INITFLAGS flags, void *extradriverdata, EVENT_INITFLAGS eventflags = EVENT_INIT_NORMAL) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API release            () = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API update             () = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API setMediaPath       (const char *path) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API setPluginPath      (const char *path) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getVersion         (unsigned int *version) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getInfo            (EVENT_SYSTEMINFO *info) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getSystemObject    (System **system) = 0;

        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API load               (const char *filename, EVENT_LOADINFO *loadinfo, EventProject **project) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API unload             () = 0;

        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getProject         (const char *name, EventProject **project) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getProjectByIndex  (int index,        EventProject **project) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getNumProjects     (int *numprojects) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getCategory        (const char *name, EventCategory **category) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getCategoryByIndex (int index,        EventCategory **category) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getNumCategories   (int *numcategories) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getReverb          (const char *name, EventReverb **reverb) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getReverbByIndex   (const int index,  EventReverb **reverb) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getNumReverbs      (int *numreverbs) = 0;

        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getGroup           (const char *name, bool cacheevents, EventGroup **group) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getEvent           (const char *name, EVENT_MODE mode, Event **event) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getEventBySystemID (unsigned int systemid, EVENT_MODE mode, Event **event) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API getNumEvents       (int *numevents) = 0;

        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API set3DNumListeners  (int numlisteners) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API get3DNumListeners  (int *numlisteners) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API set3DListenerAttributes(int listener, const FMOD_VECTOR *pos, const FMOD_VECTOR *vel, const FMOD_VECTOR *forward, const FMOD_VECTOR *up) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API get3DListenerAttributes(int listener, FMOD_VECTOR *pos, FMOD_VECTOR *vel, FMOD_VECTOR *forward, FMOD_VECTOR *up) = 0;

        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API registerMemoryFSB  (const char *filename, void *fsbdata, unsigned int fsbdatalen) = 0;
        virtual FMOD_RESULT F_API unregisterMemoryFSB(const char *filename) = 0;

        virtual ~EventSystem(){};

Any hints, advice, code, ANYTHING would be helpful. I really appreciate it! Thanks, Aviosity
I believe some of these links may help you:

Hope this helps.

Edit: You should look into what the return values and calling conventions are as well. Try and find what FMOD_RESULT, F_API, etc are. Also see if there's anything on classes. All of the links I've provided talk about calling functions, I wouldn't know where to start with what you posted either, heh. Good luck.

C++: A Dialog | C++0x Features: Part1 (lambdas, auto, static_assert) , Part 2 (rvalue references) , Part 3 (decltype) | Write Games | Fix Your Timestep!

Thanks a lot for the links, they've got me started. I doubt I'll get very far by demo time, and I've informed my team as such, so we're working on a backup solution.


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