Guess my number in C#

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1 comment, last by superpig 16 years, 8 months ago
Here is my implementation of guess the number. I am rather new to programming so all comments and criticism is welcome. 2 things off the top of my head: I have variables for the boundaries. I was going to make the boundaries user selectable but have not done that yet. And secondly, the logic in the while (guessing) loop seems a little off due to what I named the variables and their value.

using System;

namespace GuessMyNumber
    class GuessMyNumber
        static void Main()
            bool playingGame = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Guess My Number!  Do you think you can guess my number?");
            while (playingGame)

                Console.Write("Would you like to play again? ");

                bool asking;
                string playAgain;
                asking = true;

                while (asking)
                    playAgain = Console.ReadLine();
                    playAgain = playAgain.ToLower();

                    if (playAgain == "n" || playAgain == "no")
                        playingGame = false;
                        asking = false;
                    else if (playAgain == "y" || playAgain == "yes")
                        playingGame = true;
                        asking = false;
                        Console.Write("I do not understand your selection.  Please type yes or no: ");

        static int PickRandomNumber()
            int minNumber = 1;
            int maxNumber = 100;
            Random pickNumber = new Random();

            return pickNumber.Next(minNumber, maxNumber);

        static void PlayGame()
            int randomNumber;
            int userInput = 0;
            int numberOfTries = 0;
            bool guessing = true;
            bool gettingInput;

            randomNumber = PickRandomNumber();

            while (guessing)
                gettingInput = false;

                while (gettingInput == false)
                    Console.Write("Please pick a number between 1 and 100: ");
                    gettingInput = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out userInput);

                if (gettingInput)
                    if (userInput > 1 && userInput < 100)
                        numberOfTries += 1;

                        if (userInput == randomNumber)
                            Console.WriteLine("Good Job!\n");
                            guessing = false;
                        else if (userInput < randomNumber)
                            Console.WriteLine("Try guessing a higher number!\n");
                        else if (userInput > randomNumber)
                            Console.WriteLine("Try guessing a lower number!\n");

            Console.WriteLine("You guessed {0} times!\n", numberOfTries);

It looks sound to me... a couple of suggestions to make it more concise, but which aren't necessary at all:

1) Move your Play Again? loop to its own function. That makes the main loop very readable:

bool playingGame = true;while (playingGame){  PlayGame();  playingGame = PromptForPlayAgain();}

2) PickRandomNumber, as it stands, doesn't need to have its own function. It only takes one line of code to do what you are doing:
randomNumber = new Random.Next(1, 100);

If you decide to add some other stuff--like selecting a range--then you may want to move it to a function to house all of the logic.
Further to smitty1276's first point, if you move that code to a separate "bool StillWantsToPlay()" function, then you can change the while loop into a do loop and drop the boolean flag for even neater code:
do{ PlayGame();} while(StillWantsToPlay())

You can do a similar thing in PlayGame and drop your 'guessing' variable:
do{  /* ... get the user to make a guess here ... */} while(guess != answer)

and the gettingInput loop:
do {  Console.Write("Please enter a number between 1 and 100: ");} while(!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out userInput))

You could also return immediately after printing the "Good Job" message, though that's partly a matter of style. Currently that function has what's known as the "Single Entry, Single Exit" property, in that the function always starts and exits in exactly the same place, and that's sometimes nice to have.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

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