pygame animated gif

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1 comment, last by daviangel 16 years, 9 months ago
Well I'm working on my second game and I have decided that it would be like a Zelda. I have successfully gotten the map to scroll, zelda image to move, and turn. But the image has an animation, though I can't see it. My guess is that I'm reloading the image to fast to. Is there a way I can make the animation show? The animation is simply the user walking. here is the code

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

#defing globals
global zelda_image
global image
image = "zelda_walk_right.gif"
zelda_image = pygame.image.load(image)
zelda_image = zelda_image.convert()

#initiate screen

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))
pygame.display.set_caption("Zelda Suck Ass ed.")

background = pygame.image.load("map.PNG")
background = background.convert()


class map_update:
    def __init__(self, bg, zelda_pos): = bg
        self.zelda = [zelda_pos[0], zelda_pos[1]]
    def scroll(self):
        = [[0],[1]]
        self.keystate = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        if self.zelda[1] <= 70 and[1] not in range(-10, 100):
            if self.keystate[pygame.locals.K_UP]:
      [1] += 5

        if self.zelda[1] >= 505:            
            if self.keystate[pygame.locals.K_DOWN]:
      [1] -= 5

        if self.zelda[0] >= 705:           
            if self.keystate[pygame.locals.K_RIGHT]:
      [0] -= 5

        if self.zelda[0] <= 70 and[0] not in range(-10, 100):            
            if self.keystate[pygame.locals.K_LEFT]:
      [0] += 5


class zelda_update:

    def __init__(self, zelda, bg_p):
        self.zelda = [zelda[0], zelda[1]]
        self.bgp = [bg_p[0], bg_p[1]]

    def move(self):
        global zelda_image, image
        self.keystate = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        if self.keystate[pygame.locals.K_DOWN]:
            if image != "zelda_walk_down.gif":
                image = "zelda_walk_down.gif"
                zelda_image = pygame.image.load(image)
                zelda_image = zelda_image.convert()
            if self.zelda[1] <= 505: 
                self.zelda[1] += 3
        elif self.keystate[pygame.locals.K_RIGHT]:
            if image != "zelda_walk_right.gif":
                image = "zelda_walk_right.gif"
                zelda_image = pygame.image.load(image)
                zelda_image = zelda_image.convert()
            if self.zelda[0] <= 705:  
                self.zelda[0] += 3
        elif self.keystate[pygame.locals.K_UP]:

            if image != "zelda_walk_up.gif":            
                image = "zelda_walk_up.gif"
                zelda_image = pygame.image.load(image)
                zelda_image = zelda_image.convert()
            if self.zelda[1] >= 70:
                self.zelda[1] -= 3
        elif self.keystate[pygame.locals.K_LEFT]:

            if image != "zelda_walk_left.gif":          
                image = "zelda_walk_left.gif"
                zelda_image = pygame.image.load(image)
                zelda_image = zelda_image.convert()
            if self.zelda[0] >= 70:
                self.zelda[0] -= 3

        self.zelda =(self.zelda[0], self.zelda[1])

        return self.zelda

#set vars out of loop
bg_p = (-10, -10)
zelda_pos = (100, 100)

keepgoing = True

clock = pygame.time.Clock()

# Set up main loop

while keepgoing:

    #initiate classes
    zelda = zelda_update(zelda_pos, bg_p)
    map = map_update(bg_p, zelda_pos)
    #Start event loop
    for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                keepgoing = False

    bg_p = map.scroll()
    zelda_pos = zelda.move()                    

    #blit images to screen
    screen.blit(background, bg_p)
    screen.blit(zelda_image, zelda_pos)
    #end of loop

here is the picture Thanks, Joe [Edited by - avgprogramingjoe on August 9, 2007 7:57:07 PM]
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I'm not sure about Pygame, but for all graphics APIs I've used, none of them let you have animated gifs(they'll just show one frame). Try breaking the frames up with a program like the Gimp.
I'm a loser, thanks for letting me know.N00b game programmer.
Quote:Original post by herocks
I'm not sure about Pygame, but for all graphics APIs I've used, none of them let you have animated gifs(they'll just show one frame). Try breaking the frames up with a program like the Gimp.

Yup animated gif's are not supported by pygame
GIF (non animated)

so to get animation you have to do break up your images and code something like the following:
"""     illustrates a multi-frame animation    adding a delay    added 2 attributes(delay,pause) to cow class    Jaime Moreno    4/11/07"""import pygamepygame.init()class Cow(pygame.sprite.Sprite):    def __init__(self):        pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)                self.loadImages()        self.image = self.imageStand        self.rect = self.image.get_rect() = (320, 240)        self.frame = 0        # increase delay value to slow down animation even more        self.delay = 6        self.pause = 0    def update(self):        self.pause += 1        if self.pause >= self.delay:            #reset pause and advance animation            self.pause = 0            self.frame += 1            if self.frame >= len(self.mooImages):                self.frame = 0            self.image = self.mooImages[self.frame]            def loadImages(self):        self.imageStand = pygame.image.load("cowImages/stopped0002.bmp")        self.imageStand = self.imageStand.convert()        transColor = self.imageStand.get_at((1, 1))        self.imageStand.set_colorkey(transColor)        self.mooImages = []        for i in range(10):            imgName = "cowImages/muuuh e000%d.bmp" % i            tmpImage = pygame.image.load(imgName)            tmpImage = tmpImage.convert()            transColor = tmpImage.get_at((1, 1))            tmpImage.set_colorkey(transColor)            self.mooImages.append(tmpImage)screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))pygame.display.set_caption("Adding a Delay")background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())background.fill((0, 0x99, 0))screen.blit(background, (0, 0))cow = Cow()allSprites = pygame.sprite.Group(cow)clock = pygame.time.Clock()keepGoing = Truewhile keepGoing:    clock.tick(30)    for event in pygame.event.get():        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:            keepGoing = False        allSprites.clear(screen, background)    allSprites.update()    allSprites.draw(screen)        pygame.display.flip()

And if you aren't a gimp or photoshop expert here are some excellent stuff you can use here.
[size="2"]Don't talk about writing games, don't write design docs, don't spend your time on web boards. Sit in your house write 20 games when you complete them you will either want to do it the rest of your life or not * Andre Lamothe

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