Is this good OOP?

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69 comments, last by sheep19 16 years, 3 months ago
Let's say I have an object called Enemy and its health becomes 0, so I don't need it anymore. How do I destroy it? (not the whole class, just an object). How does it "expire" ?
This is the new look of the game (still plenty of work to do)

#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <vector>//declare the classesclass Person;class Weapon;class Person{public:	// default constructor initialization	Person( int healthMax = 10, int health = 10, int attack = 4, int defence = 5, int speed = 3, std::string name = "The enemy" );	void ShowStats() const; // show the person's stats (health, attack etc) -> enemy or player	void ShowWeaponPack() const; // show the weapon pack	void Attack( Person& target); // attack an enemy	void RunAway(); // run away	void DecreaseHealth( int damage, Person& target ); //decrease the player's health when he has been attacked		std::vector <Weapon> weaponPack;private:	std::string m_Name;	int m_Level, m_Experience;	int m_HealthMax, m_Health, m_Attack, m_Defence, m_Speed;		};class Weapon{public:	//default constructor	Weapon( int power = 1, int accuracy = 80, std::string name = "Sea Sword" );	//"accuracy" = %		std::string ReturnName() const; // return name (name ONLY) in a string	int ReturnPower() const;	int ReturnAccuracy() const;	void showStats() const; // show all of the weapon's statsprivate:	int m_Power, m_Accuracy;	std::string m_Name;};

#include "declarations.h"using namespace std;Person::Person (int healthMax, int health, int attack, int defence, int speed, string name): m_Name( name ),	m_HealthMax( healthMax ),	m_Health( m_HealthMax ),  m_Attack( attack ),	m_Defence( defence ),	m_Speed( speed ){	Weapon weapon1( 2, 90, "Broom stick" ); // create a default weapon for the player	weaponPack.push_back( weapon1 ); // add the weapon in the weapon pack}void Person::ShowStats() const{	cout << m_Name << "'s stats:\n"		 <<  "Name: " << m_Name << "\n"		 << "Health: " << m_Health << " of " << m_HealthMax << "\n"		 << "Attack: " << m_Attack << "\n"		 << "Defence: " << m_Defence << "\n"		 <<"Speed: " << m_Speed << "\n\n"		;}void Person::DecreaseHealth( int damage, Person& target ) {	damage -= m_Defence / 2;	damage -= 2;	m_Health -= damage;	if (m_Health < 0)		m_Health = 0;	cout << m_Name << " has taken " << damage << " damage.\n"		 << m_Name << "'s health has become " << m_Health << ".\n\n"		 ;}void Person::Attack( Person& target ){	cout << m_Name << " attacks!" << "\n\n";	int damage = m_Attack * 2;	target.DecreaseHealth( damage, target );}void Person::ShowWeaponPack() const{	if( weaponPack.size() == 0 )		cout << "You don't have any weapons!!" << "\n\n";	else	{		for( int i = 0; i < weaponPack.size(); i++)			cout << "Your weaponPack has these weapons: " << "\n"				 << i + 1 << ". " << weaponPack.ReturnName() << " ("				 << "power = " << weaponPack.ReturnPower() << ", "				 << "accuracy = " << weaponPack.ReturnAccuracy() << ")" << "\n";		cout << "\n";	}}

#include "declarations.h"using namespace std;Weapon::Weapon( int power, int accuracy, std::string name):m_Power( power ), m_Accuracy( accuracy ), m_Name( name ){}string Weapon::ReturnName() const{	return m_Name;}int Weapon::ReturnPower() const{	return m_Power;}int Weapon::ReturnAccuracy() const{	return m_Accuracy;}

#include "declarations.h"using namespace std;int main(){	//default constructor 	//identifier( healthMax, health, attack, defence, speed, name );	Person player( 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, "Hyrule");	Person enemy( 100 );	player.Attack( enemy );	enemy.ShowStats();	player.ShowStats();	player.ShowWeaponPack();	system ("PAUSE");	return 0;}

Much better now :-)

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