Normal calculations are these the same for CCW?

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5 comments, last by Sneftel 16 years, 3 months ago
//u = v2-v3; //v = v2-v1; u = v2-v1; v = v3-v1; I am using OpenGL, and CCW order. I looked at some code for loading .3ds models and they supply the commented out u,v I seen on the net that it should be the last two. I am now confused as to what they should be... Thanks
The generated u and v are different, of course, but both sets produce a right-handed coordinate frame with the normal pointing outwards from the surface.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. So what caveats do I need to be aware of due to the u,v are different?
Bump anyone?

Things that rely on a particular tangent space (like parallax mapping) will not work right.
Quote:Original post by Sneftel
Things that rely on a particular tangent space (like parallax mapping) will not work right.

Thanks, I am thinking this could be my problem. So how do I know which way I should use?

u = v2-v3;
v = v2-v1;
u = v2-v1;
v = v3-v1;

I am doing bumpmapping with a TBN matrix. I am assuming this will be affected also. Since it's a stepping stone for parallax mapping.
It doesn't matter which one you use. The only thing that matters is that the thing that generates parallax maps uses the same tangent space as the thing that displays them.

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