Ogre support for Intel 810

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2 comments, last by tariqwalji 16 years, 2 months ago
I have a Intel 810 card on which I need to develop an application with Ogre3d. Now I need to know which features of Ogre will be supported by the card and which will not be?
Why not ask on the Ogre forum?
Yes I have done that.... Not got any reply as of now hence i just asked and thought may get a reply from all you experienced developers... :)
Ogre doesn't do anything fancy in terms of the feature set. It uses existing APIs such as OpenGL or DirectX and wraps the functionality using an abstracted plugin system.

The more appropriate question you probably need to ask is which DirectX functionality the Intel 810 chipset supports in hardware. Use the DXCapsViewer to figure this out. If you are planning on using OpenGL, then use a similar tool to probe the OpenGL capabilities of the graphics card.

Mind you that you can get a working Ogre application to run on the i810. You'll just have to accept that it may look different on another machine.

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