How do the code tags work

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4 comments, last by Zaris 15 years, 7 months ago
How does source lang="cpp" /source tags work? Were these tags built for gamedev or is the a something found on the web?
They were built for GameDev, but virtually every piece of forum software has such "BBcode" (from Bulletin Board code) built into it. Generally, when a post is being formatted for display, the renderer will scan the source text for various tags and substitute output HTML for them.
When you submit your post to the web site, a program on the server (imagine that! Programming behind the scenes of a programming forum!) searches for the codes within the text of your post, and translates them into HTML markup that achieves the desired corresponding effect.
I was asking to see how I could get the same effect on my web site without having to program it myself.
Ah, well in that case the technology behind GDNet's syntax highlighter isn't available, but fortunately there are plenty of other alternatives out there these days; you could try GeSHi or SyntaxHighlighter, or search for other options if neither of those seem suitable for your uses.

- Jason Astle-Adams


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