Any Good Racing Game Engines?

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15 comments, last by Xelen 15 years, 7 months ago
Hello all, I am in the process of making a game for a school project with a team. This game is going to be a racing game. We are allowed to use a pre existing game engine. Does anyone know of a good game engine that can be used to make a racing game. By the way: Programming Expierence (Very Limited) C/C++ (Very Limited) PHP (I dont see how that would help though) (Farily Proficient) HTML (I dont see how that would help though) Thanks in advance- Hispanic91 [Edited by - Ravuya on October 13, 2008 6:36:57 PM]
If you are not adverse into using other lanaguages, I would recommend checking out the XNA Racing Game Starter Kit. It is written in C# and uses the XNA Framework. The starter kit is free and can be ran on both the PC (Free) and XBox 360 (If you purchase a Creators Club Membership). The starter kit is not necassarily a game engine, but is a good example of how to create a racing game. You should be able to easily modify it as well.
Quote:Original post by Hispanic91
would I be able to run it off of a DVD.

Should not be a problem running it off a DVD on a Windows Machine.

Quote:Original post by Hispanic91
do I need to install the XNA Framework on every computer that would be running this game?

You will need the .NET Framework (2.0) and the XNA Framework installed on every machine you intend to run the game. If this requirment is not acceptable for your project, it would still be worth checking out the example for some ideas.
Quote:Original post by Hispanic91
or do I need to install the XNA Framework on every computer that would be running this game?

This really isn't a problem, since your game installer would just install it, and it's not much different than games requiring DirectX to be installed to run.
How much time are you given? Do you have any programming experience?

It sounds like you don't know much about making games. While there are a few programs out there that allow people to make platformers, RPG, or even FPS without any programming experience, when it comes to a niche genre like racing, I don't think theres anything like that.

Basically, I am trying to say that in order to make a racing game, you are probably going to have to use tools/libraries that will help you make any game, and spend time using those tools/libraries to make a racing game.

I haven't seen a anything that could be decribed as a "Racing Game Engine" ever.

Most game libraries out there try to be purpose-agnostic so they can be used for everything.
If you have not much knowledge about game development 6 months is very little. How about your team? Is there somebody with some programming experience?

I would recommend you to first learn more about your programming language. Look at some tutorials or books on C++. Or maybe a higher level language like C# or anything.

I suppose you want to create a 2D game, so a library like SFML should be enough to write a simple 2D race game.

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