[SlimDX] sw Skinning problem

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0 comments, last by Mike.Popoloski 15 years, 6 months ago
Hello, I'm trying to do skinning with SlimDX but I don't can't make it work. The function UpdateSkinnedMesh takes a bone transformation matrix as its first parameter but I don't understand why is like that since in DirectX it takes an array with all the bones transformation matrices. What I did was: - Get a bone from the hierarchy - Rotate it - Update combined bone Matrices - calculate transformation matrices multiplying each offset matrix by the corresponding combined bone matrix. - calculate the inverse transpose matrix for the UpdateSkinnedMesh function and now I tried calling UpdateSkinnedMesh twice (I have 2 bones), once for each transformation matrix, but this gives me strange results. It rotates the wrong bone. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Yes, I got confused by the docs, which made it seem like UpdateSkinnedMesh took single matrices as parameters. I made the fix, so now it takes arrays of matrices. The update is in the repository.
Mike Popoloski | Journal | SlimDX

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