nUI - Game GUI SDK & Editor (trial)

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-1 comments, last by chlerub 15 years, 6 months ago
nUI is an SDK for .NET, used to create Game GUIs and other user interfaces for 2D/3D applications. nED is a WYSIWYG editor for building nUI powered GUIs. It also comes with a full blown font creator and theme builder. Included in this archive: - nED (Editor) - nUI (.NET dll) - TV3D Sample - XNA 3.0 Sample Download here: nUI Alpha Video Tutorials: Part 1 (Getting started): download Part 2 (Editor Overview): download The sourcecode used in the videos is included in the nED download archive. Here is list of features: - engine independant! - big list of standard controls - full docking, anchoring and z-ordering - windows & dialogs incl. modality queues - all drawing in your hands (even batching and use of surfaces) - easy to integrate and use - very flexible and easy to extend - Create/Save/Load nUI Desktops (xml) - Create nUI Themes to skin your GUI - Generate C# and/or VB.NET code - Create your texture fonts directly in the editor - Edit texture UVs using the powerful UV editor - Export Themes incl. all referenced textures and fonts - no file picking, all in one go. - You will find a number tools to align controls to each other. (align left,top,bottom,right, make same width/height, manipulate spacing, etc.) - You can toggle between Interactive and Design mode to directly test your GUI in the editor and quickly see how your themes perform visually. WYSIWYG: WYSIWYG Document Outline: Document Outline Manage Textures: Textures Manage Fonts: Fonts Edit Themes: Themes Edit UVs: UV Editor We also provide a sample renderer implementation for TV3D (folder SampleTV3D_source), XNA (folder SampleXNA_source) and sample Desktop, Theme and Fonts ready to be loaded straight into nED (folder Desktop_sample). We appreciate your feedback and are available for more information about evaluation/licensing at : Please join our official boards to provide feedback, post questions/problems and recieve the latest news about the product line. Link: Ionstar Support Center Best regards, Chris/George/Jon/Dan - Ionstar Studios

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