MotionBlur use DepthBuffer problems

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2 comments, last by MJP 15 years, 5 months ago
I want to add the MotionBlur effect to my project.I tried the way using velocity buffer in DX9 demo, that works well. Then I read "MotionBlur as a Post-Processing Effect" in GPU Gems3.There is a smart idea to use depth buffer instead which looks obviously better.So I tried that way using the same scene in DX9 demo...I found ugly artifacts ,that blur distort largely when u moving the camera... Is my Depth Buffer not accurate enough? I use D3DFMT_R32F to restore the z-vlue multipled by viewprojmatrix...and I calculate it in pixel shader? Frgive my poor English....Any suggestion is welcome!!!
I doubt it's due to depth buffer precision....I use the same technique in my game and it works quite well. However I do clamp the velocity vector I get to a certain range, in order to prevent artifacts that occur from not using a enough texture samples. Here's my HLSL, in case it helps...

float g_fBlurAmount = 1.0f;float4x4 g_matInvView;float4x4 g_matLastViewProj;float4 MotionBlurPS (	in float2 in_vTexCoord		: TEXCOORD0,		        in float3 in_vFrustumPlaneVS	: TEXCOORD1,			uniform int iNumSamples		)	: COLOR0 {	// Reconstruct view-space position from the depth buffer	float fPixelDepthVS = tex2D(PointSampler1, in_vTexCoord).x;	float3 vPixelPositionVS = fPixelDepthVS * in_vFrustumPlaneVS;	// Convert to world-space, then determine the the  clip-space	// position of the pixel in the previous frame.	float4 vPixelPositionWS = mul(float4(vPixelPositionVS, 1.0f), g_matInvView);	float4 vLastPixelPosCS = mul(vPixelPositionWS, g_matLastViewProj);	// Find the corresponding texture coordinate	float2 vLastTexCoord = vLastPixelPosCS.xy / vLastPixelPosCS.w;    vLastTexCoord = (vLastTexCoord / 2.0f) + 0.5f;    vLastTexCoord.y = 1.0f - vLastTexCoord.y;    vLastTexCoord += 1.0f / g_vDestinationDimensions;	float2 vPixelVelocity = in_vTexCoord - vLastTexCoord;		// Clamp to a max velocity.  The max we can go without artifacts os	// is 1.4f * iNumSamples...but we can fudge things a little.	float2 maxVelocity = (2.0f * iNumSamples) / g_vSourceDimensions;	vPixelVelocity = clamp(vPixelVelocity, -maxVelocity, maxVelocity);		float2 vFinalSamplePos = in_vTexCoord + vPixelVelocity;    // For each sample, sum up each sample's color in "vSum" and then divide    // to average the color after all the samples are added.    float4 vSum = 0;        for(int i = 0; i < iNumSamples; i++)    {           // Sample texture in a new spot based on vPixelVelocity vector         // and average it with the other samples        float2 vTexCoord = lerp(in_vTexCoord, vFinalSamplePos, (i  / (float)iNumSamples));                        // Lookup the color at this new spot        float4 vSample = tex2D(PointSampler0, vTexCoord);                // Add it with the other samples        vSum += vSample;    }        // Return the average color of all the samples    return vSum / (float)iNumSamples;}
Quote:Original post by MJP
I doubt it's due to depth buffer precision....I use the same technique in my game and it works quite well. However I do clamp the velocity vector I get to a certain range, in order to prevent artifacts that occur from not using a enough texture samples. Here's my HLSL, in case it helps...

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Thanks for your help...I've made a mistake.The value in DepthBuffer should be the one divided by w-vlue. Now the effect seems to be right. :-)
And your "clamp velocity" way works nice. Also I advice to set the final sampler's address to be "Mirror" not "Clamp"...Because when u turn around your camera , the screen posion might not always in [-1,1].

There is still slight artifacts at the screen edge, but they are tolerable.
Quote:Original post by ZoBuzz
Also I advice to set the final sampler's address to be "Mirror" not "Clamp"...Because when u turn around your camera , the screen posion might not always in [-1,1].

There is still slight artifacts at the screen edge, but they are tolerable.

Not a bad idea. I'll try that, thanks. [smile]

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