Guitar Hero World Tour and Rock Band 2

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4 comments, last by dsarhadian 15 years, 5 months ago
Hey guys. I was thinking of getting either Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero for the Xbox 360. I had some questions though. Will the Guitar Hero WT instruments work with Rock Band 2 game? Also which do you think overall, is a better game?
I've played both. I haven't tried using GH WT instruments with rock band 2 though, but they would probably work.

If you prefer one set list over another, then you should probably get that game. Otherwise I'd say get rock band 2. The production values are just so much higher in rock band. Guitar hero just does so many little things wrong, that it detracts from the overall experience.

The vocal track visualization in guitar hero is worthless: you can't tell how much you are on pitch. They also added a bunch of screwy game mechanics(like open strumming for bass notes and hammer on held notes on guitar), and overall it's just less fun as a party game than rock band.
this might not be helpfull but it is at least funny!

zero punctuation review
-better track list
-better guitar play
-better drumkit

Rock band 2
-MUCH better party play
-better vocal play
-massive DLC library

If you plan to play with friends RB2 is unquestionably the better choice as it tells you the difficulty levels for each of the instruments before starting a song, allows you to save teammates (GH:WT is instant fail for the whole band if anyone goes down), and even has a no fail mode which is basically ideal for a party.

GH:WT is the better solo game just for the music choices as long as you don't care about singing or don't want to buy more songs (in which case, RB2 has a 500 song library to choose from and counting).

Personally I bought GH:WT for the instruments but I plan on getting RB2 and plan on buying songs through there.
_______________________________________Pixelante Game Studios - Fowl Language
Quote:Original post by sjelkjd
They also added a bunch of screwy game mechanics(like open strumming for bass notes and hammer on held notes on guitar)

Yea added realism sucks doesn't it? [/sarcasm]

As Kotaku points out, this official compatibility chart is kinda FUBAR'd but you should find plenty of correct info in the comments.

[edit] I totally agree with LockePick

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Quote:Original post by Gaiiden
Quote:Original post by sjelkjd
They also added a bunch of screwy game mechanics(like open strumming for bass notes and hammer on held notes on guitar)

Yea added realism sucks doesn't it? [/sarcasm]

As Kotaku points out, this official compatibility chart is kinda FUBAR'd but you should find plenty of correct info in the comments.

[edit] I totally agree with LockePick

Thanks that's exactly what I needed :)

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