FEAR 2 demo

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21 comments, last by Prinz Eugn 15 years, 3 months ago
Just letting everyone know its out. But it is also amazing.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims http://www.pawlowskipinball.com/pinballeternal

do you have to have played the original FEAR?
Not really. Just download the demo and see if you like it.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims http://www.pawlowskipinball.com/pinballeternal

I played it at PAX last year. Very solid feeling to it. The dev there where really nice folks too. Try it, people.
Downloaded it last night but I need to free up space to install it. [sad]

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

holy crap this game is scary.

If you thought fear was scary (i didnt) you may want to rethink your decision to play this because I just switched it off, too scary.

I pretty much started unloading all of my ammo at anything which was remotely suspect.
Just before i mashes the sscape button i was just turning in circles shooting at eveything and throwing grenades. I'm not even sure if i was being attacked, my health wasnt going down but it sure felt like i was in serious trouble.

max settings on 8800 gts 640 mb, core 2 duo 6400. Good solid framerate. 1680 * 1050.
Quote:I pretty much started unloading all of my ammo at anything which was remotely suspect.

Yea man, I played it last night with headphones on. I felt like a movie actor in a scene where they just spin and shoot randomly, cuz I would randomly just circle pattern my mouse and bust out like 10 bullets.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims http://www.pawlowskipinball.com/pinballeternal

All F.E.A.R. 1 had going for itself was the excellent use of the Slow-mo feature. Otherwise it just would've been a mediocre shooter.

I tried the F.E.A.R. 2 demo and it seems more of the same but added some to it to keep it fresh. The powered combat armor sequence was pretty awesome. Also, the viscerality level was pretty high and the environments are pretty destructible.
I'll probably pick it up when it comes out... it's probably one of the few games this year that'll run on my aging system anyway.
Quote:Original post by RyanG
All F.E.A.R. 1 had going for itself was the excellent use of the Slow-mo feature. Otherwise it just would've been a mediocre shooter.

Funny, I thought the game would have been better without slow-mo. The result of slow-mo is that you didnt really get to see much of FEAR's amazing AI. So what I did, I started a new game on a lower difficulty, and I went through the whole game without touching it. I found I was enjoying myself much more.

Just played through the demo, and I like the game so far.

The environments were very well done. No more boring offices. The game looks way better in action than it does in the videos and screen shots I've seen so far.

I never really found my self afraid, but there were many "wow, that was awesome" moments.

I really don't like picking up those data log/journal things. All of the sudden, I'm taken out of the game, and have to press Esc twice (!) to get back to the action (is there another way?). Quite a flow-stopper. I would definitely like an approach closer to Dead Space's. I mean, the guy has a built-in HUD - why can't the logs be displayed without covering everything up?

Logs be damned, this will definitely be on my list of games to buy this year.

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