You know you're a crappy programmer when...

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116 comments, last by Mantrid 15 years, 2 months ago
You're a crappy programmer when your favorite IDE is notepad.
Holy crap, you can read!
You know you are a crappy programmer when you respond to any of those annoying compiler warnings by adding an other #pragma disable warning to your programm. After all, the programm can be compiled and executed, so why the hell is this stupid compiler bothering you?

This is quite an effort, since you wanted to disable all warnings in the compiler settings in the first place, but you didn't know how and couldn't find a tutorial by googleing it.^^

[Edited by - DraganO on March 18, 2009 5:17:31 AM]
...When you read and read and read, practice and practice and practice, and you *still* can't tell what's "good" or "bad", "right" or "wrong", in terms of good design and quality code.

*cough* :P
Quote:Original post by Mybowlcut
I was recently googling and found this blog. I don't know if this has been done, but it could potentially be a good source of laughter, shame and education. A lot of users here on GD should know the signs of a crappy programmer - most of us through exhibiting said crappiness ourselves at some point in time.

So, you know you're a crappy programmer when...

I am afraid to read the blog.

I learned to program out of a desire to make games, not from a joy of programming. I don't hate programming, but I consider it a means to an end. As a result, I am always worried and self conscious about the quality of my own code.

I am worried if I read that blog I'll see too many things that hit close to home.

Oh well, I can't resist... off to read anyway. :)
Ok, turns out none of those traits are things I have done myself. Woot!

Thanks for the link. :)
Quote:Original post by phresnel

It happened once that I accidentally pulled a colleague's computer off wire. Then he screamed something like "DUDE!!1" and "WTF!!!?" and "ALL MY CODE IS G O N E !" and stuff like that. I responded in a polite manner by saying "When was your last time you saved?", he responded "This morning!" (i.e. 5 hrs ago).

It took me some seconds to try not too laugh (though I had a bit of sympathy with him).

Then I responded "Then I am not sorry and it is your own fault, take this as an advice: Get comfortable with <ctrl>+s and co.".

(Even though he's doing quick-save now frequently, that was the day we got some small USV's for the dev's computers. Just in case.)

That does suck for him. I ssh and do programming that way. Although my favorite editor autosaves frequently, I still have a habit of hitting <esc>:w very often because when my network connection gets temporarily interrupted *blasphemies to Comcast*, I can't stand the thought of losing my work.

But a semi-related crappy thing that happened to me. I let me boss use my laptop so he could check his email. I had an external USB attached to it. He didn't seem to notice that he pulled that off the desk when he adjusted my laptop to apparently get more privacy. Now I have a large paperweight in my office to remind me never to let people borrow my laptop.
...when you're in an interview and the interviewer says, "i think i've heard just about enough, you're a crappy programmer."

edit: which is NOT how mine went :P

[Edited by - bzroom on March 25, 2009 3:10:29 PM]
you know youre a crappy programmer when your girlfriend deletes your entire portfolio website off the server out of professional principle

i hadnt done a site since the 90s....i didnt think anyone would mind framesets...
(ducks for cover)

having said that when i spent an entire afternoon learning php and the like to make a relatively better site she then shouted at me for using times new roman

( so far)

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