
App is capped at 60FPS?

Started by March 15, 2009 09:03 AM
13 comments, last by MonkeyTrooper 15 years, 6 months ago
If I use FRAPS to measure your framerate, it tells me a value much higher than what your framerate counter gives me (about 160 vs 60). There must be a bug in how you're measuring're not using GetTickCount, are you?
Same here...I'm getting around 210 with the Fraps counter vs. 66 with your own counter. Before reading MJP's post I was thinking that you probably locked the framerate with some screen updating function and you forgot about it...but if this was true Fraps would have also reported the same FPS. So there is definitely something wrong with your counter.
Electronic Meteor - My experiences with XNA and game development
Ahhhhhhhh. Ya, I'm using GetTickCount(). What should I be using instead?
Quote: Original post by MonkeyTrooper
Ahhhhhhhh. Ya, I'm using GetTickCount(). What should I be using instead?
Well, you can use GetTickCount(), just not to measure a single frame. GTC is accurate to 15ms, which is ~67FPS. Measure how many frames you render in 1 second rather than how long one frame takes, that'll give you a smoother FPS anyway.

Better timers include timeGetTime() (Up to 1ms resolution in theory), and QueryPerformanceCounter() - but that has all sorts of other problems. Have a look on Google on GDNet, and you should find a few posts about the problems.

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