Getting a Simple Quake 2 Bot To Work

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3 comments, last by Ben Greenwood 15 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I'm interested in programming, having done a bit of C++ for a few months, so I thought I'd try and see what it takes to do something really simple in Quake 2. I saw this page that explains how to compile a simple client side bot, and then get it join a dedicated server that's running on my computer. But for some reason, it doesn't work. I'm sure this is really simple to sort out, if you know how to program, so if anyone could help me out, that'd be great. The bot tutorial is here: and the bot code is the one in the second paragraph here: I loaded up the workspace that comes with the bot, and it compiled the bot_test.exe properly, but for some reason it won't join my dedicated server. It gives me the message "Usage:\n bot_test <hostname>\n". I figure that means I need to tell it what to connect to, so I tried running it like this "bot_test.exe +connect", but it still didn't connect to my dedicated server. I know I'm probably 10 years late for starting to mod Quake 2 but I figured I might as well start trying to program games somewhere. Thanks.
I would suggest creating a real bot, that is, a server side bots. Client side bots are most often considered cheats. It also avoids connection/networking stuff.
Looking at the bot_test source code, the way to run the executable would be "bot_test.exe" without the +connect thingy.

I don't know how you run the executable, but you should try running it from a command prompt so the bot can print error messages.

hope that helps
Quote:Original post by DrEvil
I would suggest creating a real bot, that is, a server side bots. Client side bots are most often considered cheats. It also avoids connection/networking stuff.

Well I've always thought that approach seems like it makes more sense. Don't suppose you know anywhere I could find a tutorial for how to make a very simple one for Quake 2 do you? There's a tutorial for how to make one for Half-Life on that ai-depot site I mentioned none for Quake 2.

matchu, thanks for the advice. That worked. Awesome. But now that I've been told to do a server-side one, I'm kind of wondering how to get started with that...
Actually I think I already found one under "Quake II Oak II Tutorial" here:

I've got the source code for Quake 2 and I'm going to try getting the "Lesson 1: Spawning a bot" tutorial to work.

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