Sprite Creation

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1 comment, last by wodan 15 years ago
This isn't a code related question I hope you don't mind. I've been using gimp to try and create high quality sprites but well it doesn't cut it. Maybe its my lack of skill or perhaps I am not using the right program/tools. The sprites are for a spaceship game with an industrial-esque/steam punk feeling. Is there a program I should be looking for to create good sprites. Do you know of any tutorials I could look into to improve my skill. Drawing techniques I should learn. Any info on the subject is much appreciated. Thanks.
Well i guess there are a few ways one could do it. Personaly i would get a copy of photoshop its abit better then gimp in my oppion. But you could 3d model it and take a few render shots that may give you something abit more realisatical to what your looking for.

and if your look for tuts check out http://Good-Tutorials.com

Regards Jouei.
I prefer Photoshop as well. And if you like to have a near Photoshop experience for free you should try Artweaver:
It's like Photoshop lite. Some filters and most of the shortcuts are cloned.
And theres even a portable version available for download...

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