Python or C++ For Quick Game Development

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13 comments, last by moff 14 years, 12 months ago
Quote:Original post by Ntvu
If I use Python I'll be more productive, but I might not have as much control over my program as I would with C++. With C++, I would probably have more control, but then I'll be less productive, one of the reasons being that I'll have more problems coding with C++ than I would with an interpreted language.
Quote:Original post by oler1s
You keep bringing up the issue of control. Perhaps you could give us examples of control issues you would have in Python that you wouldn't in C++.
Quote:Original post by tufflax
What do you mean by "control". What are you really after when you say that?

He means things like "I can manually allocate my memory," which gives him more "control." He means that he is scared that if he commits to Python, with its duck typing and automatic memory management and all the things that just seem to happen on their own, how does he know that his game won't randomly slow down? How can he be sure that it's efficient? You know, all the specious arguments that are fomented by years of hearing that interpreted languages are "slow" and C++ is "more powerful."

Don't Worry About It™. Write your game, playtest it, profile it, then worry about speed, control and optimization. Anything else is premature. Good luck! [smile]
I know the options you were choosing between were Python and C++ but have you considered C#/XNA? That might be a good place to look as well. If you already ruled that out then ignore this.
Quote:Original post by Ntvu
I don't have much time to spend in game development so the quicker I can finish my games, the better.

You might want to try some free game-making libraries, regardeless of the language you use, then. Othewise you'll have to code a renderer, a gui, data-structures, model/sprite handling and stuff by yourself. XNA is a possibility. There are other libraries, some of them are listed in the free-libraries sticky-thread somewhere on this site.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
I'm rather surprised no one has mentioned, but why not use both? I've purposely learned Python, C++, and C# so that I could use them together. Even though I have no intentions of ever combining C++ and C#, I do, however, intend to do a lot of my work once the learning process is a little more on the complete side by combining C# and Python, or C++ and Python. Use C++ for the more memory critical operations such as graphics and sound rendering, and use Python for the operations that have no meaning resource wise, such as menus, tool kits, etc.
It seems like starting out with something like Panda, and using Python for everything, would let you make a game much more quickly - assuming you know Python at least as well as you know C++ (or you know neither equally). Then you can reimplement components in C++ if they need to have higher performance, and you have the time, aptitude, and inclination.

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