using image in exe(dev cpp)

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0 comments, last by the_edd 14 years, 10 months ago
This may need to be in the beginners section.. ha I am currently on a deployment so it has been a while since I have done any coding. I have an image I am trying to use(bmp). I am 99% sure I successfully added it to the executable in dev cpp considering the file size. However, what is it I need to do to use this file in place of a normal string that would be used to access an image placed outside the executable? I hope that makes sense. Thank you for your help.
Quote:Original post by billyjack2
This may need to be in the beginners section.. ha
I am currently on a deployment so it has been a while since I have done any coding.
I have an image I am trying to use(bmp). I am 99% sure I successfully added it to the executable in dev cpp considering the file size. However, what is it I need to do to use this file in place of a normal string that would be used to access an image placed outside the executable?
I hope that makes sense. Thank you for your help.

How did you add it to the executable? As a Windows resource? You probably want to use LoadBitmap(), then.

You could also try a completely different approach.

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