Is there a triangulation lib somehwere?

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41 comments, last by MortenB 14 years, 5 months ago
@raigan: look at my second method, it's so easy and works. (no need to handle any special cases) I mean you waste more time with this thread or looking for the terms etc., than it would take to implement the outline detection.

It's a common problem, but in most cases the perfect detection isn't needed. So the solution you want is not common after all. For example 3dsMax doesn't care about it.

and terms for triangulation: "area holes triangulation library" for example
or "Delaunay triangulation". Google it I found some things you might be interested in on the first page.

I don't know what you are expecting.

void DoOutlineJustTheWayRaiganAndSeikilosWants(*in,width,*out) ??
In my case, there are additional aspects such as beveling corners and variable inflation amount (each segment can have a different thickness), which is why I'm interesting in finding out about the problem in general. I do think your line-clipping method sounds good.
Looks to me that the glu Tess library does what you want. It's very configurable, robust and fairly easy to use. Just can just generate the mesh with the overlaps and everything, and let the winding order logic sort everything out.
It tesselates everything on a plane, though, so if you want to move loads up and down you've got to split it up.

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