Animated .x files, any alternative?

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2 comments, last by Schrompf 14 years, 5 months ago
Hi all, I've got the tiny.x animated mesh loading, and animating fine. But when I try loading an animated .x using kwxport it throws an error. If I try pandasoft exported the model is huuuuge and with no animation. Plus both of them don't look correct even in the directx viewer, ones green and the other the bones animate but not the skin. Changing settings in the exporters maker the model look stranger. Basicly I'm wondering if theres an alternative out there to .x, a format thats commerically supported with animation support? Thanks in advance.
Collada, Ogre, FBX, or probably Milkshape3D. But you also might try a different X file loader - the D3DX built-in loader is a bit picky about what files it loads. I usually advertise the Open Asset Import library here, but there are others. FBX is said to have a really nice loader library available. Collada has several, but features severe design issues in my opinion. The .ms3d file format is easy to read for yourself.

I planned to add MS3D and FBX support to the Assimp lib mentioned above, but I haven't found time to do so, yet.
Gonna try that "Indie" stuff I keep hearing about. Let's start with Splatter.
Thanks for that.

Been looking at FBX at a couple of libaries I found.

One was directx 10 and is very complicated.
One is directx 9 which is perfect.. but uses DXUT and uses three projects.

Ahh what happened to the good old days where I could use a nice class?

About this Open Asset Import library, would it be suitable for use as a main model loader?

Can't comment on the FBX part - I don't have any experience with that.

Quote:Original post by franksmule
Ahh what happened to the good old days where I could use a nice class?

Complicated jobs usually require more code than what fits into a single class :-) A loader for a single 3D format should be doable, but there's usually a lot more to the job than just loading the data. See below.

Quote:About this Open Asset Import library, would it be suitable for use as a main model loader?

You can do this. But: loading is a bit slow due to all the postprocessing and optimizations applied to the loaded scenes. And: if you load random files from the various free graphics sources, important details like orientation, materials or face winding might not be consistent across those files. That's why I usually suggest building a little importer application which loads your assets once, allows some manipulation on them, and then saves them into a custom binary format for your engine. This format should then be loadable much faster, and it guarentees that you engine finds all the necessary data to render them correctly.

Gonna try that "Indie" stuff I keep hearing about. Let's start with Splatter.

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