Free Matching Making Service on PC?

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3 comments, last by hplus0603 14 years, 2 months ago
Hi guys, anyone know of a free match making service on the PC? of a fixed low cost solution? Thanks! -ddn
I'm afraid you'll have to give us a little more information than that.

I think that there are many free web-based matchmaking solutions that you might be able to use; almost all of them would run on a PC because a PC can run Apache / MySQL / PHP.

Or are you talking about UDP matchmaking for NAT punch-through?
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Btw, here you go:

from twisted.internet import reactor, protocolfrom twisted.protocols import basicimport osimport sysimport timeimport urllibclass Session(object):    def __init__(self, type, ip, name):        self.ip = ip        self.type = type = name        self.lasttime = time.time()#   Matcher keeps a list of sessions, and can return a list of #   sessions that match a given key and is not too oldclass Matcher(object):    def __init__(self):        self.sessions = {}    def update(self, ip, type, name):        self.sessions[ip] = Session(type, ip, name)    def search(self, pattern):        now = time.time()        # do incremental clean-up of the session list, one item per query        todel = None        ret = []        for k in self.sessions.iteritems():            if k[1].lasttime > now - 120:                if pattern in k[1].type:                    ret.append(k[1])            else:                todel = k[0]        if todel:            del self.session[todel]        return retmatcher = Matcher()class Protocol(basic.LineReceiver):    def lineReceived(self, line):        global matcher        if len(line) > 512:            # don't allow ridiculous sizes            self.transport.loseConnection()            return        parts = line.split(" ")        ret = ["error: no command given"]        if len(parts) > 0:            ret = ["error: unknown command '%s'" %                 (urllib.unquote(parts[0]).strip(),)]        if len(parts) == 2:            if parts[0] == 'MATCH':                q =[1]).strip())                ret = ["found %d matches" % (len(q),)]                for i in q:                    ret.append("%s %s %s" % (urllib.quote(str(,                         urllib.quote(i.type), urllib.quote(        elif len(parts) == 3:            if parts[0] == 'LIST':                matcher.update(self.transport.getPeer(),                      urllib.unquote(parts[1]).strip(),                      urllib.unquote(parts[2]).strip())                ret = ["ok"]        for l in ret:            self.transport.write(l + "\r\n")        self.transport.loseConnection()class Factory(protocol.ServerFactory):    protocol = Protocoldef run():    reactor.listenTCP(54321, Factory()) __name__ == "__main__":    run()

I just googled "python twisted tutorial" and spent 30 minutes writing some code. You run it by installing Python 2.6 and Twisted (both are free downloads), then simply:


It will listen on port 54321, and accepts two kinds of commands (one line each):

LIST some-type-here some-name-here
MATCH some-substring-here

LIST puts a listing into the database under the appropriate type and name. MATCH searches for any listing that is newer than 2 minutes and contains some-substring-here within the "type" part of the listing. All arguments should be URL encoded, so spaces should become %20. Similarly, return values are also URL encoded.

Matches are returned one per line, of the form:
ip-address type-string name-string

No given command can be longer than 512 bytes.

[Edited by - hplus0603 on February 13, 2010 2:35:05 AM]
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Thanks hplus0603! Sorry for the lack of info, I'm not sure myself about the requirements. We were looking for some low cost solution for our casual games, for connecting PC <-> PC and maybe iPhone <-> PC or iPhone <-> iPhone game.

I'll look into Twisted, thanks for the heads up and the code ! :D

Thanks again!

A question for you: What do you consider "low cost"?
And how many users do you expect to be using your application at the same time?
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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