[web] applet

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1 comment, last by NDIR 14 years, 2 months ago
Hey all! I'm developing something with java applet and jogl. I have a simple question to which i can not find an answer. Just before applet gets unloaded (in destroy() function) i'd like to show an applet message box which would pause closing browser until i clik OK (don't need CANCEL or NO). If i simply use JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog or similar, browser will simply ignore the messagebox and close itself. Is this even solvable?
Throwing "applet stop browser from closing" into google gives me this link.
Thanks for the link but this is not the solution i was hoping for. This &#106avascript<->applet communication seems to differ from browser to browser. It might work on some but not on others. I guess i'll have to implement some sort of autosave.

Thanks again!

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