XNA Exception:The current profile does not have an XNA Creators Club membership

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2 comments, last by realgames 14 years, 2 months ago
I'm trying to get this sample to run: http://creators.xna.com/downloads/?id=229 At the Games for Windows LIVE screen when I log in using my Windows Live ID, it says "Downloading Profile. This may take a few minutes." and then I get an exception: GamerServicesNotAvailableException was unhandled -- The current profile does not have an XNA Creators Club membership, which is required to sign in to the Live service. To continue, purchase a membership from Xbox Live Marketplace, or switch to a local gamer profile. Can this be done on PCs with the free membership profile?
Does anyone know if XNA has Free internet multiplayer built in using Windows LIVE?

[Edited by - andreib on February 27, 2010 12:57:34 AM]
Currently, writing Live networking code on windows requires an active XNA Creator's club membership. It's mainly used to have an additional machine to test multiplayer sessions with an xbox game that you would be developing. However, the games for windows live APIs are not present in the XNA redistributable so you cannot distribute a game using those APIs.

As for free multiplayer games for windows, you are free to use raw sockets via the System.Net namespace. There are also other libraries such as Lidgren that others have put out. Lots of options actually :-)
Joel Martinez
Thanks Joel, that was a good explanation.

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