Trying to blend IDirect3DSurface9

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3 comments, last by Daryl01 14 years, 2 months ago
-- Edit: --------------------------------------------- Hey, I'm trying to blend a surface with the back buffer (which already has my game entities like sprites and background scenery), to create a fading in/out effect. ------------------------------------------------------ I created the surface using IDirect3DDevice9->CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(...) and I sent D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 as argument to D3DFORMAT parameter. -- Edit: --------------------------------------------- I filled the surface with black color by calling IDirect3DDevice->ColorFill (...). When a new game begins the player will see the scene all black (the surface), then the surface's alpha will be gradually decreased (the fading effect), slowly revealing the game world. ------------------------------------------------------ I've tried a lot of different combinations with the D3DRS_SRCBLEND and D3DRS_DESTBLEND using the direct3d device's SetRenderState() function but no luck. Can it be done? ..How can I do this? I enabled the back buffer, depth buffer & stencil buffer. Maybe that info. will help. Thanks [Edited by - Daryl01 on March 6, 2010 3:23:32 PM]
Are you trying to render to this off screen surface? Can you explain a bit more about what effect you are trying to achieve? What are you trying to fade with what?
Ok. I edited what I said before. Does that help?
If it were me, i'd write a simple shader that outputs black and substitutes in a shader constant as the alpha channel. I'd be setting the constant from the application using ID3DXEffect::SetFloat() based on time progressing the value towards 0.
Ok. I havn't learnt or began using shaders yet, but I understand. I'm reading the book 'Introductoin to 3D Game Programing...' by Frank Lua, when I get to part iv- shaders and effects I will implement your suggestion. Thanks

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