Database + Interface

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4 comments, last by Kylotan 13 years, 9 months ago
I need to store a bunch of different enemies with DnD-esque stats. (e.g. initiative, abilitie scores, items, powers) For that I'm guessing I should use a database. I also need a GUI through which to display and modify this database, nothing fancy, just a window with text boxes and drop-down menus.

I'm not sure what I should be using to accomplish this, though. I was figuring C# for the GUI. What about SQL for the database? I've never worked with any database languages before. What stuff do you guys suggest I use?
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I heard good things about SQLite and I used it in a small tool app of my own (written in C++) with no problems. There's even a C# wrapper here. Might be worth a look. the game data being stored on a server somewhere, and clients must connect over the internet to get gamedata?
For just data look up, using HTML + PHP + mySQL would work. There are plenty of free hosts that give you mySQL and room for a database.
It sounds like what you need is a generic application to do CRUD operations. Before that, though, you'll want to choose a database.

A variant of SQL is often the choice for (MMO) game data storage, although there are others. My vote would go to Microsoft's SQL Server; there is a free version called SQL Express that imposes a few limits, but they are manageable, especially if you start drawing an income from your game so you can upgrade to enterprise edition. You can use SQL Server's management studio for a CRUD client, though I'm sure there are better ones out there.

The other mainstream SQL variant is MySQL. This would probably be the fastest to get up and running, and you can use SQLyog as a CRUD client. Once again, MySQL offers a "community" edition, and to do commercial work you'll have to pay for an enterprise license.

Both reach to the same languages; SQL Server only runs natively on Windows; MySQL is crossplatform; SQL Server is generally held to have higher performance (Microsoft is so sure even so as to point out that SQL Server has gone through industry standard stress tests that MySQL has not). I have used both; only recently have I made the switch to SQL Server and I must say I like it a lot better than MySQL, especially since I do a lot of database development in .NET (System.Data.SqlClient offers built-in support for SQL Server). MySQL does offer a .NET database connector as well.

Really, they're both pretty much the same. SQL Server has the .NET Framework backing it up while MySQL has most of the PHP community as well as a lot of open source software behind it.
Quote:Original post by Kuraitou
The other mainstream SQL variant is MySQL.

You forgot PostgreSQL, which is a good alternative to MySQL.

Quote:Once again, MySQL offers a "community" edition, and to do commercial work you'll have to pay for an enterprise license.

No - MySQL is open source and essentially free. The commercial licensing is for things like support and maintenance.

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