Raknet Problems

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0 comments, last by Ruddie 13 years, 8 months ago
Hey, I have been trying out raknet but I stumbled onto a problem and I can't seem to get why it isn't working correctly.

Here is the complete code:

#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <conio.h>#include <iostream>#include "RakPeerInterface.h"#include "MessageIdentifiers.h"#include "BitStream.h"#include "RakNetTypes.h"using namespace std;#define MAX_CLIENTS 10#define SERVER_PORT 61337enum GameMessages{	ID_GAME_MESSAGE_1=ID_USER_PACKET_ENUM+1};int main(void){	char username[500];		char str[512];	char message[200];		RakNet::RakPeerInterface *peer = RakNet::RakPeerInterface::GetInstance();	bool isServer;		RakNet::Packet *packet;	printf("(C) or (S)erver?\n");	gets(str);	if ((str[0]=='c')||(str[0]=='C'))	{		peer->Startup(1,&RakNet::SocketDescriptor(), 1);		isServer = false;	} 	else 	{		peer->Startup(MAX_CLIENTS, &RakNet::SocketDescriptor(SERVER_PORT,0), 1);		isServer = true;	}	if ( isServer )	{		printf("Server is starting up...\n");		// Accept incoming connections (up to a maximum amount)		peer->SetMaximumIncomingConnections(MAX_CLIENTS);	}	else	{		printf("Enter server IP or press enter for default (ip =\n");		gets(str);		if ( str[0] == 0 ){			strcpy(str, "");		}		printf("Starting up client..\n");		peer->Connect(str, SERVER_PORT, 0,0);		printf("Please enter a username (20 characters max.).\n");		cin.getline(username, 20);			}		while ( true )	{		for ( packet=peer->Receive(); packet; peer->DeallocatePacket(packet), packet=peer->Receive())		{			switch ( packet->data[0] )			{			case ID_REMOTE_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION:				printf("Another client has disconnected.\n");				break;			case ID_REMOTE_CONNECTION_LOST:				printf("Another client has lost connection.\n");				break;			case ID_REMOTE_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION:				printf("A new client has established connection.\n");				break;			case ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED:				{					printf("Your connect request has been accepted by the server.\n");					// Use bitstream to write a custom user message						RakNet::BitStream bsOut;					bsOut.Write((RakNet::MessageID)ID_GAME_MESSAGE_1);										bsOut.Write(username);					bsOut.Write(" has joined the server\n");					// Send it all to the server					peer->Send(&bsOut, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE_ORDERED,0,packet->systemAddress,false);									}				break;			case ID_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION:				printf("A connection is now incoming.\n");				break;			case ID_NO_FREE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS:				printf("Server is currently at it's maximum limit.\n");				break;			case ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION:				if (isServer)				{					printf("A client has disconnected.\n");				}				else				{					printf("We have been disconnected.\n");				}				break;			case ID_CONNECTION_LOST:				if (isServer)				{					printf("A client has lost connection.\n");				}				else				{					printf("Connection lost.\n");				}				break;			case ID_GAME_MESSAGE_1:				{					// Display any messages send to the client/server					RakNet::RakString rsUN;					RakNet::RakString rsMsg;						RakNet::BitStream bsIn(packet->data,packet->length,false);										bsIn.IgnoreBytes(sizeof(RakNet::MessageID));					bsIn.Read(rsUN);					bsIn.Read(rsMsg);					printf(rsUN.C_String(), "%s");					printf(rsMsg.C_String(), "%s\n");										if ( isServer )					{						// And send these further if the current execute file is a server						RakNet::BitStream bsOut;						bsOut.Write((RakNet::MessageID)ID_GAME_MESSAGE_1);												bsOut.Write(rsUN);						bsOut.Write(rsMsg);						peer->Send(&bsOut, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE_ORDERED,0,packet->systemAddress,true);											}				}								default:				if ( isServer )				printf("Packet arrived with indentifier: %i\n ", packet->data[0]);								break;			}					}		if ( !isServer && kbhit() ) // If a client is currently executed, and the keyboard is used.		{						// Get a message to send			gets(message);			// If the message isn't empty			if ( message[0] != NULL )			{				int testtest = 5;				// Send the message											printf("Sending this message: ");				printf(message);				RakNet::BitStream bsSend;								bsSend.Write((RakNet::MessageID)ID_GAME_MESSAGE_1);				bsSend.Write(username);					bsSend.Write(message);				peer->Send(&bsSend, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE_ORDERED,0,packet->systemAddress,false);				printf("I sended the message!\n");			}		}	}	RakNet::RakPeerInterface::DestroyInstance(peer);	return 0;}

And in this part of the code it seems I am crashing on my client:

if ( !isServer && kbhit() ) // If a client is currently executed, and the keyboard is used.		{						// Get a message to send			gets(message);			// If the message isn't empty			if ( message[0] != NULL )			{				int testtest = 5;				// Send the message											printf("Sending this message: ");				printf(message);				RakNet::BitStream bsSend;								bsSend.Write((RakNet::MessageID)ID_GAME_MESSAGE_1);				bsSend.Write(username);					bsSend.Write(message);				peer->Send(&bsSend, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE_ORDERED,0,packet->systemAddress,false);				printf("I sended the message!\n");			}		}

I narrowed it down, and found that the line causing the crash is the peer->Send function. However, I can't seem to understand why it is crashing.

Is their someone who has any ideas?

Seems I was being rather stupid here, since the packet got destroyed in the for loop, and of course, I tried to get the packet to tell it's systemAddress, which should have pointed to NULL at the time, causing my crash.

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