c++ function return question

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4 comments, last by Zahlman 13 years, 8 months ago
hey, I want to have this return a random type of mob between 1-6 for the number of mobs. Like say NumOfMobs tells me there is 3 mobs, I want TypeOfMob to return a random type of mob for each of the 3.

Basically this function is called when I get to a fight screen and it determines the Number of Mobs and for the Number of mobs picks a random set of mobs from the 1-6 range(TypeOfMob).

So far i can get it to return, but it is returning the same types always. Like if there is 4 mobs and it ends up with 4 of the same type, I want it to be random, not all the same.

#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>#include <time.h>using namespace std;int* pType;int NumOfMobs(){	int i=0;	srand(time(NULL));	i=(rand()%3)+1;	return i;}int TypeOfMob(){	int i=0;	srand(time(NULL));	i=(rand()%6)+1;	return i;}int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){	int num= NumOfMobs();		pType= new int[num];	pType[0]=TypeOfMob();	pType[1]=TypeOfMob();        pType[2]=TypeOfMob();//etc	cout << NumOfMobs() <<"\n" <<pType[0] <<"\n" <<pType[1]<<"\n" <<pType[2]<<"\n" <<pType[3]<<"\n" <<pType[4]<<"\n" <<pType[5];	cin.ignore();	return 0;}
Move srand to your main function. You generally only seed the random number generator once.
cool, that worked. I am just not sure how that will work in the overall large project. Would I just put srand once in the main gameloop and have all the functions work like

#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>#include <time.h>using namespace std;int* pType;int NumOfMobs(){	int i=0;	//srand(time(NULL));	i=(rand()%3)+1;	return i;}int TypeOfMob(){	int i=0;	//srand(time(NULL));	i=(rand()%6)+1;	return i;}int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){	int num= NumOfMobs();	srand(time(NULL));	pType= new int[num];		pType[0]=TypeOfMob();	pType[1]=TypeOfMob();	pType[2]=TypeOfMob();	//etc	cout << NumOfMobs() <<"\n" <<pType[0] <<"\n" <<pType[1]<<"\n" <<pType[2]<<"\n" <<pType[3]<<"\n" <<pType[4]<<"\n" <<pType[5];	cin.ignore();	delete [] pType;	return 0;}
ok, thanks a bunch. I haven't used srand much, so I wasn't 100% on how it actually worked. Wasn't sure if it needed to be reseeded each function. Thanks for the quick response!
Of course, you want to make the srand() call before the first call to a function that needs a random number. ;)

Also, try to make functions generic. This '(rand() % X) + 1' form is likely to be common for you, so that is what you should be wrapping up.

Also, don't do your own memory management, and don't write code that generates a random number of elements and then assumes a specific number. :)

And finally, think more about your variable names. Your function names are fine; apply the same principles.

#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>#include <time.h>using namespace std;int die_roll(int number_of_sides) {    return (rand() % number_of_sides) + 1;}int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {    srand(time(NULL));    int number_of_mobs = die_roll(3);    std::vector<int> mob_types;    // We have to use a loop to initialize the mob types, because we don't know    // how many there are. We should be using a loop anyway, to avoid repeating    // ourselves.    for (int i = 0; i < number_of_mobs; ++i) {        mob_types.push_back(die_roll(6));    }    // Now output works similarly:    cout << number_of_mobs;    for (int i = 0; i < number_of_mobs; ++i) {        cout << '\n' << mob_types;    }    cout << endl;    // Don't pause your programs artificially at the end.}

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