Alut.alutLoadMemoryFromFile = 0?

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12 comments, last by Zahlman 13 years, 2 months ago

doesn't really help, but...good new: I found my error!

After the statement


I put

int error 3 = Alut.alutGetError();

obviously the error is 519, after some search this is Alut.ALUT_ERROR_OPEN_DEVICE.
So the eroor went at initializing alut.

what should I do now?

I apologize, I should have realized that alut has its own GetError method.

The only thing I can recommend is looking for OpenAL tutorials and code samples, making sure you can get them to work, and then figuring out how your code is different.
I found something similar with your code when I was reading the book <<C-#.Game.Programming.-.For.Serious.Game.Creation>> and now I have the same question, that it returns 0, but my alutInit() Function works well, it doesn't give an errorCode, plus, two functions---Al.alGenSources(this is from a function called DiscoverChannel(1,out src)) and Al.alGenBuffers(1, out buffer)-- don't seem to work as expected because src and buffer stay the same (that is, -1) after those functions.
I just started learning C#, and I happened to find that your question has been posted for quite a time, did you solve your own ? I really appreciate it if you could share some experience.~~:lol:

I found something similar with your code when I was reading the book <<C-#.Game.Programming.-.For.Serious.Game.Creation>> and now I have the same question, that it returns 0, but my alutInit() Function works well, it doesn't give an errorCode, plus, two functions---Al.alGenSources(this is from a function called DiscoverChannel(1,out src)) and Al.alGenBuffers(1, out buffer)-- don't seem to work as expected because src and buffer stay the same (that is, -1) after those functions.
I just started learning C#, and I happened to find that your question has been posted for quite a time, did you solve your own ? I really appreciate it if you could share some experience.~~:lol:

Please don't reply to old posts like this - the OP isn't necessarily around any more and doesn't necessarily remember what happened. You don't really have the same question either.

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