from PHP to c#

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5 comments, last by jor1980 13 years, 6 months ago
Hi, i have a class written in php used to decompress a file, and i need to use it in c#. i don´t know nothing about php and i would like to know if is there any tool to translate from php to c#.

I have created a dll with phalanger, but i don´t know how to use one of tis classes in c#. I have read the documentation of phalanger but i still don´t understand it.

Supposing my php dll is named MyOwn.dll how i can use its claess in a c# project
add reference to your project.

if you still don't get it you should learn some .NET/C# basics first.
Quote:Original post by VirtualVoid
add reference to your project.

if you still don't get it you should learn some .NET/C# basics first.

I have use references many times, but the problem is that in c# doen´t recognize me the namespace of the php dll,Could the dll have a bug?

I have upload it to everyone who wants to try to add it as a reference to a c# project and access its namespace
Where is that PHP source code?
Quote:Original post by phresnel
Where is that PHP source code?

in this link and also in this post:

as i don´t know php i don´t know if this source only works with files it will work with a memorystream, because i will need to make it work with a memorystream

<?class DBPFfile{        var $majorVersion;        var $minorVersion;        var $reserved;        var $dateCreated;        var $dateModified;        var $indexMajorVersion;        var $indexMinorVersion;        var $indexCount;        var $indexOffset;        var $indexSize;        var $holesCount;        var $holesOffset;        var $holesSize;        var $reserved2;        var $indexData;        // ** Internally used I/O functions        // Reads a 4 byte unsigned integer        /*                Used internally by the class to read a C/C++                "unsigned long" (a 4 byte unsigned integer)                from an open file                $fh - the file handle from which to read                returns - returns the value read; has no error return        */        function read_UL4($fh)        {                $d = fread($fh, 4);                $a = unpack("Vn", $d);                return $a["n"];        }        // Reads a 2 byte unsigned integer        /*                Used internally by the class to read a C/C++                "unsigned short" (a 2 byte unsigned integer)                from an open file                $fh - the file handle from which to read                returns - returns the value read; has no error return        */        function read_UL2($fh)        {                $d = fread($fh, 2);                $a = unpack("vn", $d);                return $a["n"];        }        // Reads a 1 byte unsigned integer        /*                Used internally by the class to read a C/C++                "unsigned char" (a 1 byte unsigned integer)                from an open file                $fh - the file handle from which to read                returns - returns the value read; has no error return        */        function read_UL1($fh)        {                $d = fread($fh, 1);                $a = unpack("Cn", $d);                return $a["n"];        }        // Reads a unicode string of specified length        /*                Used internally by the class to read a C/C++                array of "wchar_t" (a 2 byte character)                from an open file                $fh - the file handle from which to read                $len - the number of charatcers to read                returns - returns the value read; has no error return        */        function read_unistr($fh, $len)        {                $s = "";                for($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i)                {                        $c = fread($fh, 1);                        if(ord($c) != 0) $s .= $c;                        fseek($fh, 1, SEEK_CUR);                }                return $s;        }        function read_nullstring($fh)        {                $s = "";                $str = fread($fh, 1);                while (ord($str) != 0)                {                        $s .= $str;                        $str = fread($fh, 1);                }                return $s;        }        // Reads a string length and then the string        /*                Used internally by the class to read a 4 byte unsigned integer                and then read a string that many characters in length                $fh - the file handle from which to read                returns - returns the string read (not the length read); has no error return        */        function read_lenstr($fh)        {                $str_length = $this->read_UL4($fh);                $s = fread($fh, $str_length);                return $s;        }        // Reads a string length and then the unicode string        /*                Used internally by the class to read a 4 byte unsigned integer                and then read a unicode string that many characters in length                $fh - the file handle from which to read                returns - returns the unicode string read (not the length read); has no error return        */        function read_lenwstr($fh)        {                $str_length = $this->read_UL4($fh);                $s = $this->read_unistr($fh, $str_length);                return $s;        }        function strhex($string)        {                $hex="";                for ($i=0;$i<strlen($string);$i++) $hex.=(strlen(dechex(ord($string[$i])))<2)? "0".dechex(ord($string[$i])): dechex(ord($string[$i]));                return $hex;        }        function hexstr($hex)        {                $string="";                for ($i=0;$i<strlen($hex)-1;$i+=2) $string.=chr(hexdec($hex[$i].$hex[$i+1]));                return $string;        }        // Reads a string and reverses it, taking into account hex groupings        /*                ie 2397586c becomes 6c589723        */        function revhex($string)        {                for($i=0;$i<strlen($string)-1;$i+=2)                {                        $revstring = $string[$i].$string[$i+1].$revstring;                }                return $revstring;        }        // Decompresses string        /*                PHP DBPF decompression by Delphy                Thanks to dmchess (                for the Perl code that I used for this                $handle - file handle for reading                $len - length of compressed string        */        function decompress($handle, $len) {                $buf = '';                $answer = "";                $answerlen = 0;                $numplain = "";                $numcopy = "";                $offset = "";                for (;$len>0;) {                        $cc = $this->read_UL1($handle);                        $len -= 1;                //      echo $cc."<br />\n";                //      printf("      Control char is %02x, len remaining is %08x. \n",$cc,$len);                        if ($cc >= 252): // 0xFC                                $numplain = $cc & 0x03;                                if ($numplain > $len) { $numplain = $len; }                                //$numplain = $len if ($numplain > $len);                                $numcopy = 0;                                $offset = 0;                        elseif ($cc >= 224): // 0xE0                                $numplain = ($cc - 0xdf) << 2;                                $numcopy = 0;                                $offset = 0;                        elseif ($cc >= 192): // 0xC0                                $len -= 3;                                /*                                $buf = fread($handle, 1);                                $byte1 = unpack("C", $buf);                                $buf = fread($handle, 1);                                $byte2 = unpack("C", $buf);                                $buf = fread($handle, 1);                                $byte3 = unpack("C", $buf);                                */                                $byte1 = $this->read_UL1($handle);                                $byte2 = $this->read_UL1($handle);                                $byte3 = $this->read_UL1($handle);                                $numplain = $cc & 0x03;                                $numcopy = (($cc & 0x0c) <<6) + 5 + $byte3;                                $offset = (($cc & 0x10) << 12 ) + ($byte1 << 8) + $byte2;                        elseif ($cc >= 128): // 0x80                                $len -= 2;                                /*                                $buf = fread($handle, 1);                                $byte1 = unpack("C", $buf);                                $buf = fread($handle, 1);                                $byte2 = unpack("C", $buf);                                */                                $byte1 = $this->read_UL1($handle);                                $byte2 = $this->read_UL1($handle);                                $numplain = ($byte1 & 0xc0) >> 6;                                $numcopy = ($cc & 0x3f) + 4;                                $offset = (($byte1 & 0x3f) << 8) + $byte2;                        else:                                $len -= 1;                                $byte1 = $this->read_UL1($handle);                                //$buf = fread($handle, 1);                                //$byte1 = unpack("C", $buf);                                $numplain = ($cc & 0x03);                                $numcopy = (($cc & 0x1c) >> 2) + 3;                                $offset = (($cc & 0x60) << 3) + $byte1;                        endif;                        #    printf "      plain, copy, offset: $numplain, $numcopy, $offset \n";//                      echo "      plain, copy, offset: $numplain, $numcopy, $offset \n";                        $len -= $numplain;//                      echo $numplain." -- ".$len."<br />\n";                        if ($numplain > 0) {                                $buf = fread($handle, $numplain);                                $answer = $answer.$buf;                        }                        $fromoffset = strlen($answer) - ($offset + 1);  # 0 == last char                        for ($i=0;$i<$numcopy;$i++) {                                $answer = $answer.substr($answer,$fromoffset+$i,1);                        }                        $answerlen += $numplain;                        $answerlen += $numcopy;                }                //printf "      Answer length is %08x (%08x). \n",$answerlen,length($answer);                return $answer;        }        // Loads a DBPF file        /*                $fileName - the name of a file to open                returns - true on success, a string value on error (use $ret === true to test for success or failure)        */        function loadFile($handle, $offset = 0)        {//                $this->m_fileName = $fileName;//                $handle = fopen($fileName, "rwb");                if($handle)                {                       echo "Reading from offset: ".$offset."<br />";                        $start = $offset;			if ($offset > 0) {                        fseek($handle, $offset);			}                        $test = fread($handle, 4);  // Should be DBPF			if ($test != "DBPF") { echo $test." - This is not a DBPF file!"; return; }                        $this->majorVersion = $this->read_UL4($handle);                        $this->minorVersion = $this->read_UL4($handle);                        $this->reserved = fread($handle, 12);                        $this->dateCreated = $this->read_UL4($handle);                        $this->dateModified = $this->read_UL4($handle);                        $this->indexMajorVersion = $this->read_UL4($handle);                        $this->indexCount = $this->read_UL4($handle);                        $this->indexOffset = $this->read_UL4($handle);                        $this->indexSize = $this->read_UL4($handle);                        $this->holesCount = $this->read_UL4($handle);                        $this->holesOffset = $this->read_UL4($handle);                        $this->holesSize = $this->read_UL4($handle);                        $this->indexMinorVersion = $this->read_UL4($handle) - 1;                        $this->reserved2 = fread($handle, 32);                        $headerEnd = ftell($handle);                        // Seek to index                        fseek($handle, $offset + $this->indexOffset);		//	echo ftell($handle)."\n";                        for ($i=0;$i < $this->indexCount;$i++) {                                $indexData[$i]['typeID'] = $this->revhex($this->strhex(fread($handle, 4)));                                $indexData[$i]['groupID'] = $this->revhex($this->strhex(fread($handle, 4)));                                $indexData[$i]['instanceID'] = $this->revhex($this->strhex(fread($handle, 4)));				if (($this->indexMajorVersion == "7") && ($this->indexMinorVersion == "1")) {	                                $indexData[$i]['instanceID2'] = $this->revhex($this->strhex(fread($handle, 4)));				}                                $indexData[$i]['offset'] = $this->read_UL4($handle);                                $indexData[$i]['filesize'] = $this->read_UL4($handle);                                $indexData[$i]['compressed'] = false;                                $indexData[$i]['truesize'] = 0;                        }			//echo print_r($indexData, true)."\n";                        // First check for a DIR resource                        foreach($indexData as $value) {                                if ($value['typeID'] == 'e86b1eef') {                                        //echo "Getting DIR resource of size ".$value['filesize']."... <br />";                                        fseek($handle, $offset + $value['offset']);                                        // Each record in a Sims 2 file is 20 bytes long, so to get the total number of records we                                        // divide $value['filsize'] by 20.                                        if (($this->indexMajorVersion == "7") && ($this->indexMinorVersion == "1")) {                                                $numRecords = ($value['filesize'] / 20);                                        } else {                                                $numRecords = ($value['filesize'] / 16);                                        }                                        for ($i=0;$i < $numRecords; $i++) {                                                $typeID = $this->revhex($this->strhex(fread($handle, 4)));                                                $groupID = $this->revhex($this->strhex(fread($handle, 4)));                                                $instanceID = $this->revhex($this->strhex(fread($handle, 4)));						if (($this->indexMajorVersion == "7") && ($this->indexMinorVersion == "1")) {                                                	$instanceID2 = $this->revhex($this->strhex(fread($handle, 4)));						}                                                $filesize_nc = $this->read_UL4($handle);                                                for ($j=0; $j < $this->indexCount; $j++) {                                                        if ($indexData[$j]['typeID'] == $typeID) {                                                        if ($indexData[$j]['groupID'] == $groupID) {                                                        if ($indexData[$j]['instanceID'] == $instanceID) {							if (($this->indexMajorVersion == "7") && ($this->indexMinorVersion == "1")) {                                                        	if ($indexData[$j]['instanceID2'] == $instanceID2) {                                                                	$indexData[$j]['compressed'] = true;	                                                                $indexData[$j]['truesize'] = $filesize_nc;        	                                                } 							} else {                        	                                $indexData[$j]['compressed'] = true;                                                                $indexData[$j]['truesize'] = $filesize_nc;							}							} 							} 							}                                                }                                        }                                }                        }                        foreach($indexData as $value) {                                /* Catalog Description - CTSS */                                if ($value['typeID'] == '43545353') {                                        //echo "Grabbing CTSS file at offset ".$value['offset']." (".($offset + $value['offset']).")...<br />";                                        fseek($handle, $offset + $value['offset']);                                        fread($handle, 64);                                        fread($handle, 2); // FormatCode                                        $numStrings = $this->read_UL2($handle);                                        //echo "NumStrings: ".$numStrings."<br />";                                        $numStrings = 2;                                        for ($j = 0; $j < $numStrings; $j++)                                        {                                                $stringPairs = $this->read_UL1($handle);                                                //echo "NumStringPairs: ".$stringPairs."<br />";                                                //for ($i = 0; $i < $stringPairs; $i++)                                                //{                                                        $ret .= $this->read_nullstring ($handle);                                                        if ($j == 0) { $ret .= "<br />"; }                                                        echo "...".$ret." - ";                                                        $ret2 = $this->read_nullstring($handle);                                                        //echo $ret2."<br />";                                                //}                                        }                                }                                /* Object XML */                                if ($value['typeID'] == 'cca8e925') {                                        if ($value['compressed'] == true) {                                                fseek($handle, $offset + $value['offset']);                                                $dword = $this->read_UL4($handle);                                                //$dword = fread($handle, 4);                                                $data = fread($handle, 5);                                                //echo $dword."<br /> \n ";                                                //echo $data."<br /> \n ";                                                //echo "decompressing file... <br />";                                                $xmldata =  $this->decompress($handle, $dword - 9);                                                $objXML = new xml2Array();                                                $arrOutput2 = $objXML->parse($xmldata);                                                foreach ($arrOutput2[CGZPROPERTYSETSTRING][ANYSTRING] as $value) {                                                        if ($value[KEY] == 'description') {                                                                $ret = $value[DATA];                                                                echo "-- ".$value[DATA]."<br />";                                                        }                                                }                                        }                                }                        }                        if ($ret == '') {                        foreach ($indexData as $value) {                                /* String Text Lists - STR# */                                if ($value['typeID'] == '53545223') {                                        echo "Grabbing STR# file at offset ".$value['offset']." (".($offset + $value['offset']).")...\n";                                        fseek($handle, $offset + $value['offset']);                                        if ($value['compressed'] == true) {                                                fseek($handle, $offset + $value['offset']);                                                $dword = $this->read_UL4($handle);                                                //$dword = fread($handle, 4);                                                $data = fread($handle, 5);                                                //echo $dword."<br /> \n ";                                                //echo $data."<br /> \n ";                                                //echo "decompressing file... <br />";                                                $data =  $this->decompress($handle, $dword - 9);                                                // $data now contains the decompressed data so we have to get the string pairs from it                                                //echo strlen($data)."\n";						//if (strlen($data) > 66) {                                                  // First, chop off the filename of 64 bytes                                                  $data = substr($data, 64);						//}                                                // Next, the FormatCode (2 bytes)                                                $data = substr($data, 2);						//echo $data."\n";                                                $numStrings = unpack("vn", substr($data, 0, 2));                                                //echo "NumStrings: ".$numStrings."\n";                                                $numStrings = 2;                                                $soffset = 2;                                                for ($j = 0; $j < $numStrings; $j++)                                                {							if ($soffset < strlen($data)) {                                                        $languageCode = unpack("Cn", substr($data, $soffset, 1));                                                        $soffset++;                                                        // Grab string pair                                                        for ($l=0; $l < 2; $l++) {                                                        $k = 0;                                                        for (;$k < 1;) {                                                                $tempstring = substr($data, $soffset, 1);                                                                if (ord($tempstring) != 0) {                                                                        $ret .= $tempstring;                                                                } else {                                                                        $k = 1;                                                                }                                                                $soffset++;                                                        }                                                        }                                                        //$ret .= $this->read_nullstring ($handle);                                                        if ($j == 0) { $ret .= "<br />"; }                                                        echo "...".$ret." - ";                                                        //$ret2 = $this->read_nullstring($handle);                                                        //echo $ret2."<br />";							}                                                }                                        } else {                                                fseek($handle, $offset + $value['offset']);                                                fread($handle, 64);                                                fread($handle, 2); // FormatCode                                                $numStrings = $this->read_UL2($handle);                                                //echo "NumStrings: ".$numStrings."<br />";                                                $numStrings = 2;                                                for ($j = 0; $j < $numStrings; $j++)                                                {                                                        $languageCode = $this->read_UL1($handle);                                                        $ret .= $this->read_nullstring ($handle);                                                        if ($j == 0) { $ret .= "<br />"; }                                                        echo "...".$ret." - ";                                                        $ret2 = $this->read_nullstring($handle);                                                        //echo $ret2."<br />";                                                }                                        }                                }                        } }                        return $ret;                }                else                {                        return "Could not open file '" . $fileName . "'";                }        }}?>

[Edited by - jor1980 on October 19, 2010 3:25:54 AM]

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