Max script help

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1 comment, last by CPPNick 13 years, 6 months ago
I need some help with this thing that I am making for a school project.

I need to get a map of edges out of max to use for collision detection in our game. This is what I have so far.

rollout new "Edgemap Exporter"(	label lab "Export Edgemap"	button btn_export "Export"	on btn_export pressed do	(		out_name = getSaveFileName types: "Edge Map(*.emap) |*.emap|"		out_file = createfile out_name						edgemap = snapshotAsMesh selection[1]		--I need to get a list of the edges of the object here		--num_verts = edgemap.numEdges				--format "%\n" num_verts to:out_file				--vert1 = getVert tmesh num_verts		--vert2 = getVert tmesh 1				--format "% % % %\n" (vert1.x) (vert1.y) (vert2.x) (vert2.y) to:out_file				--for v = 2 to num_verts do		--(			--vert1 = getVert tmesh v - 1			--vert2 = getVert tmesh v			--format "% % % %\n" (vert1.x) (vert1.y) (vert2.x) (vert2.y) to:out_file		--)				close out_file	))CreateDialog new

I have got the thing saving a file properly and everything, but I need a way to get a list of all the edges of a spline(with all corners).

can anyone point me in the right direction?

thanks for any help on this.
getting closer!

rollout new "Edgemap Exporter"(	label lab "Export Edgemap"	button btn_export "Export"		on btn_export pressed do	(		s = objects as array				theLines = for o in s where classof o == Line collect o		theCircles = for o in s where classof o == Circle collect o		nLines = theLines.count		nCirlces = theCircles.count				if(nLines != 0 or nCircles != 0) then		(//-- 			out_name = getSaveFileName types: "Edge Map(*.emap) |*.emap|"//-- 			out_file = createfile out_name						//			-- make an array to hold all the line segments// 			--segArray = #()						for aLine = 1 to nLines do			(//				-- for each spline in the Line object				thisSpline =  theLines[aLine]								nSplines = numSplines thisSpline				for aSpline = 1 to nSplines do				( 					nSegments = numSegments thisSpline aSpline										for aSeg = 1 to nSegments do					( 						print "This is a segment!"					)				)			)			//-- 			if(nCircles != 0) then//-- 			(//-- 				format "%\n" nCirlces to:out_file//-- 				for i = 1 to nCirlces do//-- 				(//-- 					Circle1 = theCircles//-- 					format "% % %\n" ( ( (Circle1.radius) to:out_file//-- 				)//-- 			)			//-- 			close out_file		)	))CreateDialog new

just cant figure out how to retrieve the vertices from the segment =/

here is the code if anyone wants to take a look.

rollout new "Edgemap Exporter"(	label lab "Export Edgemap"	button btn_export "Export"		on btn_export pressed do	(		s = objects as array				theLines = for o in s where classof o == Line collect o		theCircles = for o in s where classof o == Circle collect o		nLines = theLines.count		nCirlces = theCircles.count				if(nLines != 0 or nCircles != 0) then		(			out_name = getSaveFileName types: "Edge Map(*.emap) |*.emap|"			out_file = createfile out_name						-- make an array to hold all the line segments 			segArray = #()						if(nLines > 0) then			(				for aLine = 1 to nLines do				(					-- for each spline in the Line object					thisLine =  theLines[aLine]										nSplines = numSplines thisLine					for aSpline = 1 to nSplines do					(												nKnots = numKnots thisLine aSpline												if(isClosed thisLine aSpline) then						(							if(nKnots > 1) then							(								pt1 = getKnotPoint thisLine aSpline nKnots								pt2 = getKnotPoint thisLine aSpline 1																append segArray  #(pt1, pt2)																if(nKnots > 2) then								(									for aKnot = 2 to nKnots do									(										pt1 = getKnotPoint thisLine aSpline (aKnot - 1)										pt2 = getKnotPoint thisLine aSpline aKnot																				append segArray #(pt1, pt2)									)								)							)						)						else						(							if(nKnots > 1) then							(								for aKnot = 2 to nKnots do								(									pt1 = getKnotPoint thisLine aSpline (aKnot - 1)									pt2 = getKnotPoint thisLine aSpline aKnot																		append segArray #(pt1, pt2)								)							)						)					)				)								format "%\n" segArray.count to:out_file				for thisSeg = 1 to segArray.count do				(					format "% % % %\n" (segArray[thisSeg][1].x) (segArray[thisSeg][1].y) (segArray[thisSeg][2].x) (segArray[thisSeg][2].y) to:out_file				)			)						if(nCircles != 0) then			(				format "%\n" nCirlces to:out_file				for i = 1 to nCirlces do				(					Circle1 = theCircles					format "% % %\n" ( ( (Circle1.radius) to:out_file				)			)-- 						close out_file		)	))CreateDialog new

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