Pointer Management

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12 comments, last by rip-off 13 years, 4 months ago
CzarKirk's analogy helped :).

Sorry for the bump, just wanted to say thx everyone!
You don't need a "SubsystemManager". In general, any class with the name "Manager" is suspect in its responsibilities.

I believe you should create two classes SDLWindowSystem and SDLTimerSystem, and have them both use a common "SDL" system which tracks SDL initialisation.
class SDL : noncopyable // e.g. boost::noncopyable{public:   SDL()   {       if(SDL_Init(...) < 0)       {            throw std::runtime_exception(SDL_GetError());       }   }   ~SDL()   {       SDL_Quit();   }};class SDLWindowSystem : public IWindowSystem, private noncopyable{public:    SDLWindowSystem(shared_ptr<SDL> sdl); // e.g. boost::shared_ptrprivate:   shared_ptr<SDL> sdl;};class SDLTimerSystem : public ITimerSystem, private noncopyable{public:    SDLTimerSystem(shared_ptr<SDL> sdl); // e.g. boost::shared_ptrprivate:   shared_ptr<SDL> sdl;};int main(){	shared_ptr<IWindowSystem> window;	shared_ptr<ITimerSystem> timer;	if (m_config.compare("SDL") == 0)	{		shared_ptr<SDL> sdl = make_shared<SDL>();				window.reset(new SDLWindowSystem(sdl));		timer.reset(new SDLTimerSystem(sdl));	}	// Everything cleaned up via RAII	// No need for nebulous "manager" classes.}
Quote:Original post by rip-off
You don't need a "SubsystemManager". In general, any class with the name "Manager" is suspect in its responsibilities.

I'm not a native English speaker, so maybe I can't find proper word to substitute "Manager", so I used a lot of "Manager".
Any trick to choose the correct name? I always feel headache on that. And I had read some else where in some forum that said "Manager" is not a good word.
Any suggestion?

https://www.kbasm.com -- My personal website

https://github.com/wqking/eventpp  eventpp -- C++ library for event dispatcher and callback list

https://github.com/cpgf/cpgf  cpgf library -- free C++ open source library for reflection, serialization, script binding, callbacks, and meta data for OpenGL Box2D, SFML and Irrlicht.

Manager is a perfectly fine work, normally. The problem is not with the word itself, but the kind of vague classes it represents. What is a "SubsystemManager"? What are its responsibilities?

Manager classes often end up doing too much, and the resulting code can be ugly and riddled with poor dependency separation.

In my proposed design, the SDL class (though admittedly artificial), is responsible for initialising and cleaning up SDL. The SDLWindow is responsible for being a Window, and the SDLTimer is responsible for timing. Finally, because the two types are separate and automatically managed, there is no trouble at cleanup time. Everything unwinds naturally.

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