Multithread & Debugger Engine

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-1 comments, last by Roxypinky 13 years, 4 months ago
Hi All,

I'm using the debugger engine to track when a local process crashes and force minidump and produce a crash report. All is good and work when I use only a single thread to do all the work but when I move the events loop to a separate thread, the debugger engine stop calling my event callback.

I tried to move the code that sets the event callbacks from my initialization code to the same thread but that didn't work either.

Any ideas?

bool gDebugger_PC::AttachToTarget(unsigned long processId, bool nonInvasive, bool noSuspend){  __ASSERT(m_dbgClient && m_dbgSymbols && m_dbgControl && m_dbgSysObjects);  HRESULT hr;  unsigned long attachFlags = 0;	  // Figure out which flags to use  [...]  // Attach to the target  if (FAILED(hr = m_dbgClient->AttachProcess(0, processId, attachFlags)))  {    // [TTY Output Code ...]    return false;  }/*===> IF I LEAVE THE EVENT LOOP HERE, ALL IS GOOD AND EVERYBODY IS HAPPY */  /*while (true)    m_dbgControl->WaitForEvent(0, WAIT_FOR_EVENT_TIMEOUT);*/  // The debug engine will finish attaching to the target process once an event has been processed.  // Creating the event thread  ::CreateThread(0, 0, EventsThreadEntry, (void *) this, 0, &m_eventThreadId);  // [TTY Output Code ...]  return true;}void gDebugger_PC::EventsThread(){  /*===> TRYING TO SET THE EVENT CALLBACKS IN THE SAME THREAD DOESN'T WORK  if (FAILED(m_dbgClient->SetEventCallbacks((PDEBUG_EVENT_CALLBACKS) this)))    // [TTY Output Code ...]  */  while (true)    m_dbgControl->WaitForEvent(0, WAIT_FOR_EVENT_TIMEOUT);}DWORD WINAPI gDebugger_PC::EventsThreadEntry(LPVOID param){  ((gDebugger_PC *) param)->EventsThread();  return 0;}


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