Can hardware of today handle processes like realistic characters, background

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7 comments, last by Antheus 13 years, 4 months ago
Hi guys,
i have an idea i want to work out but before i can proceed i need some answers.
I hope you can help me out with this:

I want to start a game that looks very realistic.
Movement same as people, realistic looking buildings,cars etc.
Let's say a mix of secondlife and GTA but then more realistic.
Can the hardware of today handle such processes?

Let's say for instance: Ps3, xbox 360, pc or browser based like secondlife? The most realistic game i have seen untill today is "Heavy Rain".

I hope someone can help me out.

thank you for your time
Given that the games you are comparing too are still basically cutting edge, you wont be able to achieve an awful lot better that, otherwise they would have already done it.
Quote:Original post by mitdrissia
The most realistic game i have seen untill today is "Heavy Rain".
Heavy Rain had a development budget somewhere in the realm of $50 million, a 90 person acting cast, a several hundred person development team, and the development still took over 4 years.
Quote:I want to start a game that looks very realistic.
You need to set your goals based on your available resources. Heavy Rain is far, far beyond the reach of a single, un-funded developer.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

I try in not too computerish terms:

Not really. Everybody's faking the ass out of hardware. And that exact faking is what makes having years of developing experience mandatory, because good faking is not easy.

Waiting to see what others say :)
Thanks guys for your fast replies.

But i did not get a straight answer on my question.
i just needed to know if the hardware can handle the processes if the models and buildings and other stuff are realistic.Yes i know someone who is great in modelling.He can make better characters and backgrounds then heavy rain.
No one gave me a good reply on my question.
I just want to know if the hardware of today like ps3, xbox 360 and pc and online (like secondlife) can handle this?

I hope someone can give me direct answer.
thank you
You need to define what "realistic" means.
"When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not, mmmmmmm, boy."
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way.
Define "realistic". Do you mean "indistinguishable from reality"?

Have you seen Tron: Legacy? Did you feel like the virtual Flynn was convincingly real? The Uncanny Valley is a pretty massive hurdle even for non-realtime graphics. Making a "realistic" person is not currently possible. It may be that this is an artistic problem (we haven't figured out how to properly trick a human brain) rather than a hardware one, obviously [smile]

If you want to be as realistic as Heavy Rain then that is obviously possible since they did it. Graphical quality depends on how much you have in a scene because memory is limited. Heavy Rain had very few characters per scene because each character is very expensive to render both in performance and in memory footprint. Obviously you could not have a GTA's worth of characters as good as Heavy Rain characters running around or GTA would already be doing that. Xbox 360 and PS3 have exactly 512MB of RAM available: that's not a lot of memory for content (but WAY better than the 32MB available on Xbox and PS2 [smile])

Quote:Original post by mitdrissia
Thanks guys for your fast replies.

But i did not get a straight answer on my question.


I hope someone can give me direct answer.
thank you

That's because there is no straightforward answer. It depends on a variety of things, such as your scene complexity, the hardware devoted to it (you say modern hardware but there is a huge range there, from iPhone to a $3000 state-of-the-art gaming PC), the amount of rendering time devoted to the scene (16 ms, 30 ms?).

In other words, if you want a straight answer you need to ask a straight question. You're being way too vague to even approach a sensible answer.

Edit: This is, of course, neglecting the fact that you're asking about a game, and there is more going on in a game than graphics. The complexity of the gameplay code and AI may be a factor in how much time you can devote to graphics.

TL;DR; You're asking for a direct and straightforward answer to a vague question about an undefined problem space. There's simply no way to give you the answer you are looking for.
Quote:Original post by mitdrissia
I just want to know if the hardware of today like ps3, xbox 360 and pc and online (like secondlife) can handle this?


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