OGRE texture shadows

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0 comments, last by swiftcoder 13 years, 3 months ago
I'm just wondering if someone can clue me in on the easy way to use texture shadows in OGRE. I assume the best look comes from the using the SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_ADDITIVE technique, and then doing some filtering in a shader, and for big areas using PSSM or CSMs. Before I add the fancy stuff, I'd just like to see some decent shadows. I've got the world's simplest scene, one directional light, and I'm seeing blocky texture shadows for a 512x512 texture on a 800x600 window. I know I'm doing something wrong.

What I really want to know is, do I really need the scene designer to specify every single property for the texture shadows (our artists will innevitably mess it up), or can I hard code some of them? For example, when you call:
scene_manager->setShadowCameraSetup( cam_setup ), is there ever a time when you would want something other than the LiSPSMShadowCameraSetup ?

I think not, and I'm happy about reducing the complexity of setting up the shadow stuff already. Do other simplifications exist? What do you use for all these...and why?
scene_manager->setShadowTextureCount( 2 );
scene_manager->setShadowTextureSize( 512 );
scene_manager->setShadowFarDistance( 0.0 );
scene_manager->setShadowDirLightTextureOffset( 0.9 );
scene_manager->setShadowTextureFadeStart( 0.7 );
scene_manager->setShadowTextureFadeEnd( 0.9 );
scene_manager->setShadowTextureSelfShadow( false );

Many thanks.

I think not, and I'm happy about reducing the complexity of setting up the shadow stuff already. Do other simplifications exist? What do you use for all these...and why?
scene_manager->setShadowTextureCount( 2 );
scene_manager->setShadowTextureSize( 512 );
scene_manager->setShadowFarDistance( 0.0 );
scene_manager->setShadowDirLightTextureOffset( 0.9 );
scene_manager->setShadowTextureFadeStart( 0.7 );
scene_manager->setShadowTextureFadeEnd( 0.9 );
scene_manager->setShadowTextureSelfShadow( false );

I don't have a direct answer to your question, but quite apart from letting your artists tune these parameters, you are probably going to want to let your users tune them, for performance reasons. Shadows are generally one of the worse culprits for chewing up performance on lower-end machines, so the users will often need to be able to reduce shadow quality/size/distance, and even disable them altogether.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. [https://trist.am]

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