My [indie MMO] so far

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13 comments, last by JoeVanSickle 12 years, 7 months ago
[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]Hey guys I've made some more progress...



[clicky] If you want to see more...[/font]
That is looking very good! Keep up the good work!
just a bump, good luck in your project it seems tio be well :)
FAR Colony
[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]Update posted.[/font]
This is really great :o, awesome feature list already completed !!
You should consider to write a developer journal here at GDnet (it's free) and post some screens at the IOTD thread.

Some questions:
- How long is your project in development ?
- Is all art done by yourself ?
- What video tool do you use to create your video ?
@Ashaman73: Thanks for the feedback I will consider doing what you mentioned. Development Started June 2ed 2010 Ssooo.. 413 days ago (1.13 years). I first started to try to create a game like this one about 6 years ago (starting over a lot and redesigning things better since then). Iv never gotten this far. Based on current projections I'm predicting it will take another year more to get to beta. I did all the art-work for the game (meshes/textures/gui etc etc), which surprisingly I'm starting to dread doing sad.gif. I'm also starting to notice that I get that question a lot mellow.gif... I am torn as to whether I should try to start up a team, I have tried before and it didn't go so hot. I used windows live movie maker 2011 for the progress video but I do not recommend it as it butchers the video's quality and you can only output one format; it's fairly easy to use though.

Ashaman73: Thanks for the feedback I will consider doing what you mentioned. Development Started June 2ed 2010 Ssooo.. 413 days ago (1.13 years). I first started to try to create a game like this one about 6 years ago (starting over a lot and redesigning things better since then). Iv never gotten this far. Based on current projections I'm predicting it will take another year more to get to beta. I did all the art-work for the game (meshes/textures/gui etc etc), which surprisingly I'm starting to dread doing sad.gif. I'm also starting to notice that I get that question a lot mellow.gif... I am torn as to whether I should try to start up a team, I have tried before and it didn't go so hot. I used windows live movie maker 2011 for the progress video but I do not recommend it as it butchers the video's quality and you can only output one format; it's fairly easy to use though.

You have made great progress in short time. I started my engine 1998 :o, my game together with a friend 2,5 years ago. I'm doing most of the work, including most of the art work, thought my friend helps a lot and is a more creative artist than me :wink:
The one tip I can give you is, that you should choose a simple art style when doing all the art yourself, take a look at runescape or minecraft, simple art still succesful.

Keep up the great work !
Update posted.


Very awesome stuff! I hope your project gets off the ground because it looks very promising! Why do you have to use shader model 4.0? Isn't that overkill? Also, only vista/windows 7? You're putting off a lot of people in my opinion, might want to make it work for older computers as well. It doesn't look like the graphics can only be handled with newer PC's.
Ironbane MMO.
[size=1]It's so cool I don't even need to give you a link for it.

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