Community Challenge!

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319 comments, last by AndyEsser 12 years, 8 months ago
Contest is over and judging has commenced!

In the immortal words of MC Hammer, "U Can't Touch This". Take it literally, figuratively, or sideways :)


  • Theme is announced and the contest begins at noon CST, Friday the 13th.
  • The contest ends at noon CST, Monday the 16th.
  • Submissions platforms are open. I have a Win 7 laptop (with a discrete 3d graphics chipset), an Android phone, and an iPad, so my preference is that the game can run on at least one of them. The majority of judges are probably going to have Windows machines.
  • Contestants should post links to any runtimes or whatnot that judges need to download, preferably before the theme is announced. Most people have fast internet connections nowadays, but your game shouldn't require a 100MB+ SDK for judges to download to make your game run.
  • Other than the massive platform/SDK/whatever restriction, feel free to use whatever existing code, libraries, or tools you want. The point is to make a game!

Judging criteria
Points are evenly distributed between the bullets, so with a '10' being kick ass, each category gets up to 2.5 points.

  • First Time User Experience - How easy it is for the player to get rolling with your game. Covers installation and communication with the player on how to play the game.
  • Graphics & Audio - Pretty straight forward, do the visuals and sound contribute to or detract from the game?
  • Theme - How integral is the contest's theme with the game?
  • Fun Factor - Is it an enjoyable gaming experience?


  • $50 Amazon gift card
  • 2 x Humble Indie Bundle #1
  • €10 Amazon gift card

Submitted Games:
CamJackson's 'Ewe Can't Touch This'
j0mich01's 'Bubble Time'
ryan20fun's Game
XXChester's 'Rob, The Dumb Ass Robber'
AndyEsser's 'Bubblez'
kiwibonga's 'Tunnel Jumper'
Mussi's 'Hammertime'
japro's Game


Servant of the Lord's 'MC Hammer Toss'
Muzz5's 'Airplane'
slayemin's 'SUPERSTAR'


  • zer0wolf
  • swiftcoder
  • MajorTom
  • Wan
laziness is the foundation of efficiency | | Adventures in Game Production | @zer0wolf - Twitter
I will have to check my calendar to see how busy I am next weekend but I might be in. Although all I have access to is are XP 32 and 64 bit machines.

Remember to mark someones post as helpful if you found it so.




Sounds interesting! If it's a go, I'll definitely make time for it. As far as platform goes, I would target Windows PCs.

Do you have a link to the previous challenge you mentioned in your journal post?
Could be fun, but I'm busy that weekend.

But yeah, I think we are overdue for another contest. Also, where did the links to the 4 Elements contest entries disappear to? I noticed they weren't there after the change in GDNet...
It's Google CodeJam season...
kiwibonga, I wish I had a link, but it was seriously like 3 years ago and was on the old forums. I'm not even sure how to find old posts like that.

GWDev has started up a conversation with me about some more prizes he is willing to kick in, more details to come :)

Didn't even realize that Google CodeJam was starting up. This is certainly a bit different sort of challenge, though!
laziness is the foundation of efficiency | | Adventures in Game Production | @zer0wolf - Twitter
Found it:

Almost 4 years ago! :)
I'd be up for a joining this. Not entered a competition like this, and my codebase is looking just about up to it.

I'd suggest a Windows platform - simply because it will open it up to more developers and players - although that still encompasses EXE, HTML, Java, etc - so the potential to run on other platforms is still available.

Found it: http://www.gamedev.n...ners-announced/

Almost 4 years ago! :)

There was one more recent than that where the theme was Spring, though it was a 3 hour one
The time for these is getting harder to come by for me, but if I can get at least 8 hours of dev time in those 3 days I'm in

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