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0 comments, last by hupsilardee 12 years, 4 months ago

I'm trying to read an image using OpenExr library and I have read the documents at But i'm a bit confused about how to set up this library in my program and not getting linking errors while using it. Can someone explain how i should set it up step by step on VC 2008? I might find where I went wrong and fix my errors

In general when adding libraries in vc++08:
1: Go Tools->Options->VC++ Directories.
2: Find the 'include' group, and add the folder containing all the headers for the OpenEXR library
3: Find the 'lib' group and add the folder containing all the libraries. Usually this is the folder named 'bin', or sometimes a sub-folder.
4: At the top of the program (perhaps above the int main()), add the statement

#pragma comment (lib, "openexr.lib") // or whatever the lib is called

This can actually be done in project options or something without that extra line of code, but I personally prefer that way because I can easily see what libs I am using, generally one for physics, D3D, D3DX, FMOD, Assimp, and sometimes more.

If this still doesn't work, tell us the error code of the errors you are getting

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