Linear Algebra and Calculus 3

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3 comments, last by HamiltonLagrange 12 years, 2 months ago
I am currently a high school student, but I wish to take Linear Algebra and Calculus 3 in college. In the mean time, I was wondering on how these subjects are like and what should I do to review. I am currently a junior and taking Precalulus. Should I review Algebra, Geometry , and Algebra ll. I would like to implement these subjects(Linear Algebra and calculus) in game development, especially if I ever get the chance to develop a 3D games. Does anybody know any good math books or specific areas where they suggest I should study.

I really want to be a better math student and programmer, being both critical and analytical thinker. Any suggestions would be appreciated
Im currently taking Cal 2 in College, a great piece of advice I can give you is that algebra NEVER goes away, almost everything you do will still involve solving for X, or Sin, or Finding Limits and the list goes on and on, so the problems start involving more and more steps, more thought into it, and they get more difficult, but like i said earlier, algebra NEVER goes away...

But the basis of all of this is algebra, so make sure you get that stuff down REALLY good.

When you take those classes you will have to purchase those books, and those books are more than enough for practice and bettering your self, but if you really wanna practice some of this before you get there, you can always pick up a Calculus for dummies book. I really enjoy math and Even i own a series of the dummies books from Pre algebra to Calculus 3, they serve as a great cheat sheet, but also as an absolutley great guide!

But before you can go to Calculus you need some trigonometry knowledge in you too!

Hope that helps!
I wrote this article aimed at game developers which covers vector mathematics - you might find it helpful :)

Cheers, Paul.
For linear algebra, the Khan academy videos are pretty good:

also, Gilbert Strangs MIT video lectures I recommend extremely highly:
Look into taking a serious differential equations and partial differential equations as well... clever implementations of these let you control the motion of systems using realistic physics. There is something called Geometric Level Set Methods; these are all graphics manipulation algorithms that are based on the use of differential equations. This stuff is powerful!

These courses are Junior or Senior level college classes. You can look them up on Khan academy if you're feeling brave. Don't feel bad if you don't understand it initially, like algebra; it's hard the first time you learn it.

May the compiler be with you.

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