Reputation++ for logging in? Really?

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80 comments, last by Gaiiden 11 years, 11 months ago

Or for every person he downvotes he'll need to upvote another person to keep his points the same. But since this is trial run, I guess it's worth seeing how well it works.

This may sound like a weird request, but is there anyway to show "certain" points? For instance, I don't want my participation points shown. Personally, everytime I see my points go up, I'm like "oh I wonder who rated up one of my post". Then I get the sad realization that I got +1 for logging in. Plus it's nice for me and probably the person looking at my score to see and immediately know that my points (however high) are from my posts in the Technical threads, ie. I know what I'm talking about smile.png

Do you mean something along the lines of if you post in the technical forums your tech rep number shows and if you post in the creative forums your creative rep number shows etc? I kind of like that idea to a degree. I would think that social side should show your complete score though.
That would be a good idea as well. I like it.

However, I really just meant you get to choose what points show in your reputation. So, for example, participation (or is it social) points are (from what I understand) points I got from logging in and upvoting someone. Well I don't want those points to show. So I check a box that says, "don't show these points" or "don't show social points".

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However, I really just meant you get to choose what points show in your reputation. So, for example, participation (or is it social) points are (from what I understand) points I got from logging in and upvoting someone. Well I don't want those points to show. So I check a box that says, "don't show these points" or "don't show social points".

Have to say, I'm not very happy with the new voting system thus far.

The fact that everyone's rating is constantly upticking makes the number completely useless - I can't tell at a glance whether someone is very helpful, or just gaming the system.

It's also odd to have the breakdown by technical/business/creative/social, but not be able to see that except by going to the person's ratings page. Means once again, I have a meaningless number that I have to research to see if it is in fact relevant.

Maybe the forum should display one's social rating in social forums, technical rating in technical forums, etc.?

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Well it would be nice to have an official breakdown of what forums fall into what categories. Granted some of them are obvious. For instance, Lounge forum is in the Social category. But is there any other forums in the Social category?

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As an addition to the breakdown for the various areas, why not show the reputation as such: "Reputation: 640 (1570)" where 640 is the areas reputation, and 1570 is the overall reputation. There's plenty of room in the username area for each post.

It's also odd to have the breakdown by technical/business/creative/social, but not be able to see that except by going to the person's ratings page. Means once again, I have a meaningless number that I have to research to see if it is in fact relevant.

Well, there isn't a technical/business/creative/social breakdown of reputation though. Also there isn't a way to earn points in the "social" forums either.

I *do* want a quick way to show the reputation in the four categories (scholar, author, moderator, participation) when you mouse over a person's profile, but I haven't figured out how best to do that.

The breakdown between technical, creative, business, and social is based off of post counts in each of the forum categories. I threw that in to add more stats related to a user. I can try to come up with a way to calculate stats broken down into those areas but that will take a bit of effort. The forums is only one facet of how reputation is earned.
+5 rep for reporting a post? Wow!
Time for squeaking.

+5 rep for reporting a post? Wow!

Remember though, -10 if a moderator rejects your report.. use it wisely.
Is the voting up rep boost depending on the upvoter's reputation feature implemented?
I always get the same +/-4 points for my upvoted posts, no matter where I post them. Since I mostly post in beginner topics, that would mean that either 100 rep voters (the original posters) mean 4 point boost to me, or always higher rep members with about the same rep vote me up/down?
Or up voting from the original poster means more points? Maybe it's the non-fully implemented "mark as answer" feature?

BTW should these questions go in a different topic, or in the journals? I don't want to flood this one with my questions.

I always get the same +/-4 points for my upvoted posts, no matter where I post them. Since I mostly post in beginner topics, that would mean that either 100 rep voters (the original posters) mean

Well.. right now there are a couple of things at play that I considered tweaking yesterday. The formula I'm using to calculate point contributions is going to be tweaked this week because even new users can hit the +3 mark. It was originally supposed to take into account MUCH higher reputation, but the lack of anyone with a high reputation (the most we have is a around 3.3K or so) makes the bulk of the calculation worthless.. especially if capped at +4. The new formula will probably be something like clamp(floor(log(max(reputation, 1))/0.8-1), 1, 4)

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